Top 5 League of Legends Ability Power Champions

Top 5 Ability Power Champions in League of Legends (Image via League of Legends)
Top 5 Ability Power Champions in League of Legends (Image via League of Legends)

Champions in League of Legends are categorized based on two different scaling options.

Players have termed these two as AP and AD. AP stands for Ability Power in League of Legends which means that the champion deals damage through their abilities. In other words, they are spell casters who buy items to make their skills and abilities stronger and thereby deal massive damage towards the mid to late game.

AD, on the other hand, stands for Attack Damage. Champions who have AD scaling rely mostly on their basic attacks to grow stronger. These champions primarily rely on critical rates, crit damage, attack speed, and other factors. The skills of the AD champions scale are based on the facets mentioned earlier, and they are usually the section known as ADC.

AP champions in League of Legends play a significant role within the game. When it comes to burst damage, they are the kings and queens of the area. If these champions can build enough AP damage, they can practically burst down tanks and play a significant role within any team composition.

These Ability Power Champions are best for solo League of Legends players

5) Katarina

A well-farmed Katarina is an unstoppable force (Image via League of Legends)
A well-farmed Katarina is an unstoppable force (Image via League of Legends)

When it comes to AP champions, Katarina's presence is a staple. She has a unique skill set revolving around throwing her daggers and then resetting her skills. She can deal enough damage to solo carry games at times, even though she is quite squishy to begin with.

Landing her combos properly is of utmost necessity, and it requires a lot of practice. The reason for her being on number five is mainly because of her delayed power spike. Katarina is not strong until she hits level 6, and this is also subject to help from the jungle. She requires significant support from the team to become self-sustainable.


However, once she does get farmed, there is no way to stop Katarina from murdering everyone within the server.

4) Veigar

Veigar can become theoretically one-shot champion in the late game (Image via League of Legends)
Veigar can become theoretically one-shot champion in the late game (Image via League of Legends)

Veigar is a top-tier champion who can dish out some insane damage within League of Legends. Veigar is an infinite scaling champion, and he will only get stronger as the game progresses. In very late games, he has the ability to one-shot any ADC and two to three-shot tanks.

His power primarily arises from his passive “Phenomenal Evil Power.” This passive keeps collecting stacks as Veigar hits or kills enemy units. It can continue to do that throughout the game and eventually make Veigar a one-shotting monster.

However, the problem is that Veigar is extremely slow and has no proper escape. While his damage is quite consistent, he can be jumped on and killed very quickly.

3) Nasus

Nasus can become an unkillable god with enough farm (Image via League of Legends)
Nasus can become an unkillable god with enough farm (Image via League of Legends)

If there is one champion that can become an unkillable god within League of Legends, then that has to be Nasus. This ascended being from the kingdom of Shurima relies on very similar mechanics as compared to Veigar. He can collect stacks using his ability “Siphoning Strike.” As he does that, he keeps getting stronger and eventually becomes so strong that he can stand between five champions and land a pentakill.


A well-farmed Nasus is a terror, and even the strongest AD carry runs from him if faced in a one version one situation. The issue is that he needs many stacks to reach that state, and in most situations, he will get shut down by ganks. Most players know how strong Nasus can be, and therefore, reaching the unkillable stage is often not possible, especially in high-level games.

2) LeBlanc

LeBlanc is a solid champion but requires immense practice to master (Image via League of Legends)
LeBlanc is a solid champion but requires immense practice to master (Image via League of Legends)

When it comes to landing damage through combos, LeBlanc is one of the best within League of Legends. She has 0 AD scaling and this means her entire skillset revolves around making her abilities stronger. LeBlanc’s E is where she releases a chain to bind enemies. Once the enemy is held in the palace, she will jump on the enemy's body using her W. It deals burst damage, and she can teleport back to her original position if she recasts her W.

Her ultimate is unique, where she basically gains the ability to reuse any of her recently used skills. For instance, if she used her E, then she has the option to reuse E immediately with her R.

The individual skills of LeBlanc deal almost no damage. However, if she can land a full combo then she can kill any squishy champion in the game.

However, playing LeBlanc is very difficult as she is fragile in the laning phase. She needs the Luden’s Tempest to receive a major power spike and needs to perform well to keep building items and ultimately snowball. She is not a new player-friendly champion. It takes a lot of practice to perfect her play.

1) Akali

Akali can deal inhuman damage with her skills (Image via League of Legends)
Akali can deal inhuman damage with her skills (Image via League of Legends)

The queen of AP damage, Akali, has practically gone through so many changes in League of Legends since her release. It is tough to keep a count. But even after all that, Akali remains one of the fan-favorite champions, which Riot fails to understand how to balance.

Akali is a champion who relies heavily on hitting combos well, and she can do inhuman levels of damage if played well. Akali’s first skill throws shurikens which, on hitting enemy champions, provides her with an empowered attack called Assassin’s mark. This allows her to deal bonus damage on her next attack.


Akali’s second skill is a cloud of smoke that can be used to escape from difficult situations. Her third skill is something that Akali can use to maneuver quickly. She throws a shuriken and dashes in the direction opposite to the same. If she hits someone with it, then she can teleport to that enemy immediately.

Finally, Akali’s ultimate allows her to finish off enemies in one swipe. However, if she cannot do it in one attempt, she can recast it after a few seconds to provide the killing blow.

Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.

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