Top 5 perks in Black Ops Cold War

(Image via Treyarch)
(Image via Treyarch)

Black Ops Cold War features perks like any other Call of Duty Multiplayer, and some certainly outperform others.

There are several different ways to equip perks in Black Ops Cold War, thanks to the wildcard system. The standard version of equipping perks means one perk from each category. Then there is Law Breaker, which means three perks from any category can be equipped, along with any weapon in any slot.

Equipping six perks is also possible with the Perk Greed wildcard. That allows two perks equipped from each category. There are five perks to choose from in each class, and some are almost necessary.

Top 5 perks in Black Ops Cold War

#5 - Cold Blooded

(Image via Treyarch)
(Image via Treyarch)

Black Ops Cold War has a lot of scorestreaks in the game, and with a scorestreak system comes a ton of player streaks to worry about. Because the system is based on scores throughout the match and not killstreaks, it's easy for players to get fairly powerful streaks in every game. Everything from cruise missiles to helicopters are a common occurrence.

Cold Blooded alleviates a lot of that stress and takes any kind of thermal imaging from scopes and streaks. The perk also makes it so AI-controlled, streaks ignore players equipped with Cold Blooded.

#4 - Tactical Mask

(Image via Treyarch)
(Image via Treyarch)

If tactical equipment is something to worry about in a game, Tactical Mask is the perk to pick. The entire point of it is to give players resistance to equipment like gas and concussion grenades.

Tactical Mask doesn't completely get rid of the effects of equipment in Black Ops Cold War, but it heavily mitigates them. That's great news for anyone sick of the concussions.

#3 - Ninja

(Image via Treyarch)
(Image via Treyarch)

Ninja is a great pick up, especially against players that really enjoy blasting their headset. Enemies that rely on footsteps will be thrown off by someone using Ninja, and more opportunities are created to flank the enemy team.

The perk also cuts down on chatter from the player operators in Black Ops Cold War and makes them invisible to field mics when not sprinting around.

#2 - Flak Jacket

(Image via Treyarch)
(Image via Treyarch)

This perk is one of the must-haves in the game for almost any game mode in Black Ops Cold War. It reduces the effects of explosives and fire damage from enemies. That's a perk that comes in handy multiple times in every match.

If a player is holding a point and an enemy throws a grenade or C4, the Flak Jacket perk will save their life.

#1 - Ghost

(Image via Treyarch)
(Image via Treyarch)

Having Ghost equipped isn't an absolute must in Black Ops Cold War, but it sure does make the game more bearable when worried about the enemy watching the mini-map. Ghost makes players undetectable by enemy spy planes, which is the biggest advantage needed when trying to get the drop on someone.

Spy Planes are called in all the time, so Ghost should be used if being seen on the map becomes too much.

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