Top 5 secret achievements in Genshin Impact 2.2 update

Genshin Impact 2.2 has several secret achievements to discover (Image via Genshin Impact)
Genshin Impact 2.2 has several secret achievements to discover (Image via Genshin Impact)

Some Genshin Impact 2.2 secret achievements are tricky to figure out for players, let alone discover in the first place.

Genshin Impact 2.2 is the most recent update to one of the most popular video games today. Some players love to hunt for achievements, including secret ones. Naturally, this has led some to look for the most hidden secret achievements from Genshin Impact 2.2.

Note: All of these secret achievements are tied to the Through the Mists quest series. Naturally, the player will have to complete the questline to unlock everything. A few of them are easy to miss, so this article will quickly cover them.

This article will also focus on some of the more complex and secretive hidden achievements.

Five notable secret achievements in Genshin Impact 2.2


The above YouTube video showcases some of the secret achievements in Genshin Impact 2.2. There are nine in total for this video.

5) A Tale of Two Cities


Travelers must acquire the Peculiar Pinion from the "Octaves of Maushiro" quest from Genshin Impact 2.2. There is a spot near the second Relay Stone puzzle in the previous quest.

It had a wall with a giant bird carved into it. Use the Peculiar Pinion there to instantly unlock the "A Tale of Two Cities" secret achievement.

4) Guessing Game


There is a series of torch puzzles on Shirikoro Island. The three puzzles are easy to solve if the player knows where to find them and what the order is. The problem lies in the fact that the Genshin Impact 2.2 update doesn't make it immediately obvious.

Like the previous achievement, Genshin Impact fans must have the Peculiar Pinion to complete it. Amber is a free unit, so all players can do this puzzle if they've unlocked its prerequisites.

3) White's Illusion


Not all secret achievements have to be challenging for the player. White's Illusion has several requirements to unlock it, but the task itself is easy. To unlock "White's Illusion," the Traveler merely needs to talk to one of the nine ghosts around Tsurumi Island.

Doing the nine tasks is related to the "Lovely Sights, Further Than the Eye Can See" secret achievement. Hence, one will naturally unlock this one upon hunting for the other one.

2) My Life as an Adventurer


Quests that are time-locked and require prerequisite quests are easy to miss for some players. This achievement is unlocked by doing "The Saga of Mr. Forgetful." That quest requires "Octave of the Maushiro," which in turn requires "A Particularly Particular Author."

The quests aren't hard, but they do eat up a player's time. Not to mention, the second quest is time-locked. Hence, players must wait one real-life day to proceed.

Still, this achievement feels slightly more prestigious than the average secret achievement, as it requires more effort and patience than usual.

1) Lovely Sights, Further Than the Eye Can See


"The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna" is the final quest in the Through the Mist quest series from Genshin Impact 2.2. Inevitably, it involves the problem from the previous entry, as players must wait real-life days to unlock it.

This secret achievement involves talking to nine ghosts and doing some brief tasks for them. It's much work for a few Primogems, but secret achievement hunters will feel accomplished after doing it.

It's basically a more complicated version of "White's Illusion" from Genshin Impact 2.2.

Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.

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