Top 5 times the Pokemon anime didn't make any sense

Image via The Pokemon Company
Image via The Pokemon Company

At times, it can be expected that a children's cartoon about a youngster and his journey to catch powerful creatures named Pokemon won't make much sense.

There are a lot of times where the Pokemon anime simply doesn't make sense. It can be comical or it can be down right infuriating to fans of the series.


Pokemon has struggled with continuity before. It has also just straight up put Ash and his companions in situations that shouldn't exist or be possible.

Top 5 times the Pokemon anime didn't make any sense

#5 - Gary Oak's 10 Badges

Image via The Pokemon Company
Image via The Pokemon Company

It is well-known that in the first season of Pokemon, Ash was on a mission to collect the 8 Gym Badges of Kanto. That would allow him to participate in the Pokemon League. Prior to facing Giovanni, Gary Oak flashed a case with 10 Gym Badges. There are a ton of theories as to how this is possible, but Pokemon never explained it. It just makes no sense.

#4 - Ash Rides a Rapidash

Image via The Pokemon Company
Image via The Pokemon Company

The mane of Rapidash is a massive flame. The Fire-type horse Pokemon is essentially engulfed in flames. It is said that if they trust a trainer, they can manipulate the fire so that it doesn't burn. That seems like a cop out. This child is riding a horse, surrounding by fire, and is not burned in any way. This is another Pokemon moment that makes no sense.

#3 - Ash-Greninja

Image via The Pokemon Company
Image via The Pokemon Company

The introduction and subsequent storyline of Ash and his bond with Greninja is one of the best aspects of the later Pokemon anime series. Still, it makes little sense on how this bond was formed to create Ash-Greninja.

Ash has had Pikachu for years, but never reached this level of bonding. Maybe it has to do with Pikachu refusing to evolve. Nevertheless, it makes little sense how this type of bond was never formed with a Pokemon prior to Greninja.

#2 - Pikachu

Image via The Pokemon Company
Image via The Pokemon Company

Pikachu is Ash's oldest friend and Pokemon partner. It is also the most inconsistent creature throughout the anime series. There are times when Pikachu decimates Legendaries and other strong Pokemon. There are also times when it loses to a low level creature at the start of a series. It seems Pikachu gets a level reset with each new region and that is absolutely nonsensical.

#1 - Ash's Entire Existence

Image via The Pokemon Company
Image via The Pokemon Company

Ash Ketchum himself makes no sense in the larger outlook of Pokemon. He has remained 10 years old the entire time. He randomly releases or forgets about his most powerful partners. He has encounters with more Legendaries than anyone. Traveling companions seem drawn to him. Then he forgets about type advantages and what certain moves do. The youngster from Pallet Town has made little sense since the beginning of his journey.