Top 5 times a streamer raged at COD: Warzone 

(Image Credit: Sportskeeda)
(Image Credit: Sportskeeda)

Everyone loves watching a good moment of rage during a live stream. Of course, the streamer may not find it as comical when they get upset at COD: Warzone. They are trying their hardest to get the victory, but come up short for whatever reason. That is enough to send them into a fit of rage.

The excuses range from the servers being laggy, mechanics not working right, cheaters, and much more. Typically, they were just outplayed in that moment. Nevertheless, they still freak out for our entertainment.

5 of the best streamer rage moments in COD: Warzone

#5 – Ninja

Ninja is in a pickle as some enemies start to move in on him. He tries his best to escape, but ends up dying for his effort. He tries so hard to climb up a short rocky terrain, but takes a few attempts to do so. When he finally makes it up, the enemies finish him off. That is the moment when COD: Warzone makes Ninja rage. He goes on a tirade about how his character is carrying tons of weight, but is unable to leap over the rocks.

Clip at 1:05 (Contains Strong Language)


#4 – DrDisrespect

The entire video below is the ultimate compilation of DrDisrespect raging at COD: Warzone. He has a lot to say about the game, and most games, when he doesn't come out on top. Doc is so used to winning that when he loses, it is catastrophic. In a particular clip, DrDisrespect loses in the COD: Warzone Gulag. He proceeds to smack his desk, stand up, and shout at the developers to fix their servers.

Clip at 5:50 (Contains Strong Language)


#3 – TimTheTatman & Cloakzy

This is a two for one special involving TimTheTatman and Cloakzy during a Nickmercs' stream. They may not be raging at COD: Warzone directly, but are in a heated argument while playing together. Cloakzy makes a comment about Tim's communication getting him killed. Tim immediately shouts at Cloakzy and they go on a minutes long argument about who is worse at COD: Warzone. This one is rather hilarious, as noted by Nickmercs sitting back and enjoying himself.

Clip at 4:03 (Contains Strong Language)


#2 – Dellor

Dellor is known for raging. He has his fair share of moments destroying equipment. Dellor's rage simply cannot be contained when it comes to COD: Warzone. He screams at his monitor here and obliterates his keyboard against his desk. His profanity laced rant sees him coming back and smashing the keyboard yet again. This time, he follows it up with a punch and shows off how many extra keyboards he has for moments like this.

Clip at 8:30 (Contains Strong Language)


#1 – XQC

XQC does rage quite often, but not at the level of some others. COD: Warzone seems to put him over the edge, though. This one is not as extreme as some others, but the simplicity of the rage is what makes it so noticeable. He looks as though he is going to remove his headset to damage it after he dies. Instead, he smashes his desk with a fist and sends his camera rolling off of its perch. While off-screen, he shouts and claims he's done playing for the day while trying to set his webcam back up. It makes you think what kind of raging he is capable of if something even worse happened in game.

Clip at 1:03 (Contains Strong Language)
