Valorant: What are Radianite points and how they work

Pic courtesy: TheBlueGamer

All of Riot Games’ IPs have an in-game currency system that allows players to add or unlock additional content inside the game. For example, in League of Legends, the in-game currency is called Blue Essence and is obtained by either completing objectives, winning/losing games or through a direct monetary purchase. Similarly, the in-game currency for Valorant is called Radianite.

Akin to League of Legends, where you can use BE to unlock champions, in Valorant, you can use Radianite to unlock agents and other various features.

Uses of Radianite in Valorant

Pic courtesy: Riot Games Pic uploaded by Polygon
Pic courtesy: Riot Games Pic uploaded by Polygon

Apart from unlocking Agents in the game, Radianite’s function in the game is solely cosmetic.

So far in the Valorant closed beta, players have been able to use Radianite to unlock tier levels for their Agents and also upgrade the skins for their guns and weapons. The skin level upgrades for the Valorant guns are very cheap. Even with 10 points, you would be able to upgrade the skins up to level 4.

“Only two skin themes can be upgraded during the closed beta. The other skins with levels are the Luxe skins on Spectre, Operator, and Ghost. Those upgrades are purely cosmetics. They don’t grant any gameplay advantage or statistical upgrades”

However, there will be a lot more features in the game that would become accessible when Valorant is officially launched later this summer. And, unsurprisingly, Radianite will be capable of a lot more.

How to get Radianite points?

In the closed beta so far, there are only two ways of acquiring Radianite.

  1. The first method is to play and earn these points from the battle pass. The Tiers - four and nine, offer extra Radianite points of 20 upon completion.
  2. The second method is to directly buy Radianite with Valorant Points which is the other source of currency in the game but which can only be bought and not earned. Every 1,600 VP will allow you to purchase 20 points of Radianite. However, the VP cost will be increased to 2,000 during Valorant's official release.

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