Why Apex Legends Mobile cannot be considered 'pay-to-win'

Apex Legends Mobile will be released globally later this year and players are wondering if it will be pay-to-win (Image via Respawn Entertainment)
Apex Legends Mobile will be released globally later this year and players are wondering if it will be pay-to-win (Image via Respawn Entertainment)

Apex Legends Mobile is currently only available in a few countries where the soft-launch took place earlier this month. The global launch is expected later this year and players are already hyped for the fan-favorite battle royale game to come to mobile devices across the planet.

One of the biggest issues with mobile multiplayer games is the pay-to-win factor. For those unaware, the 'pay-to-win' term is given to a game where players can purchase items inside the game with real money and upgrade themselves. This gives them an undue advantage over other players who are not spending any money in the game.

With every new game, players start wondering if it will have pay-to-win content. Similar queries popped up for Apex Mobile as well, and this article will try and clear the doubts on the matter.

Pay-to-win has multiple layers and Apex Legends Mobile soft launch has proven it


It should be clear on all fronts that Respawn Entertainment has developed Apex Legends Mobile in every way that it is not pay-to-win at all. However, there are multiple items in the game that players can purchase with real money and equip them inside the game. These cosmetics and items do not provide any gameplay advantage to players and this proves that Apex Mobile is not pay-to-win.

However, pay-to-win can often be subtle and have various layers. COD Mobile, another very popular free-to-play game, is also widely considered as a game that is not 'pay-to-win.'

Nonetheless, the community often complains about skins in lucky draws and crates that provide a gameplay advantage to players who purchase it. Mythic skins in COD Mobile come with a red-dot advantage, reducing weapon attachment slots that free-to-play players cannot use.

This is a subtle addition of features to paid skins that may provide players with unfair advantages. These features do not change the game a ton, but provide players with a slight advantage.

Apex Legends Mobile might also end up with similar skins that may be subtle versions of pay-to-win. The PC version of the game, which is more popular, already has some skins which players consider advantageous over free skins.


Purchasing skins is only a choice in these games and with enough skill, free-to-play players have no reason to be afraid to play Apex Mobile. Legends in the game can be purchased with real money, but they can also be easily unlocked for free by completing small tasks. The season Battle Pass will also cost money, but there are some free items that players can unlock by simply grinding the game.

In conclusion, Apex Legends Mobie is free-to-play and competitive ranks are not influenced by paid items in the game.

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