5 ways how Carlos Henrique conned his way to being the best footballer who never played

Carlos Henrique

#2 "I'm sorry, but I'm really happy at my current club"

Carlos even used fake phone calls

Carlos was a true professional when it came to fraudulence. He set the bar high when he started using toy mobile phones, and faked conversations with European clubs, in English, to fool the Brazilians.

He'd often mention in his imaginary phone calls that he was happy at his current club, and was rejecting an offer from a massive European club. This led the people to believe that he was a player of the highest level, and that the club was lucky to have him. Mobile phones were expensive at that time and very few people could afford one.

However, once, a doctor at one of his clubs who was fluent in English, caught his tomfoolery, and exposed his antics. He was unharmed though, as he always had the option to change his club, thanks to the network he had created within the industry.

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