My top Arsenal striker targets and poll

We need a new, top-quality striker if we really want to push on and win the Premier League. Giroud is doing a good job, but an injury or dip in form would be a problem. My preferred transfer targets in reverse order are:

Demba Ba

This is a player that I used to really admire, but unfortunately, no longer. If he’s not good enough to start for Chelsea, he shouldn’t be good enough to start for Arsenal. He is a good finisher, but not the kind of exciting player that I would like to see Arsenal sign.

Kostas Mitroglu

Mitroglu is in the form of his life. 12 goals in 11 games in the Greek Super League have put the spotlight on him, and some big clubs are sniffing around. However I dont really like the sound of this signing as his style of play is far too similar to Giroud’s. We need someone who can, ideally, partner or replace Giroud in the starting line up and their styles must be complementary, not too similar.

Edin Dzeko

I still like Edin Dzeko, and I’d like to see him at Arsenal but something about the idea of this signing doesn’t appeal to me. While his style is not too similar to Giroud’s he is by no means a pacey forward. He is a good finisher, but has not shown any more than that to make me feel like his presence at Arsenal would only be a good thing.

Fernando Llorrente

I do not want Llorente at Arsenal. He was never much of an exciting player at Atletico Madrid and his lack of goals at Juve should be a huge red light for any club who might want to sign him.

Christian Benteke

Benteke is a good player, who I rate highly. He is strong on the ball, an adept finisher, and has a good work rate. The Belguim international would be a good signing, but my only concern is that his lack of quality, may be shown up at a bigger club like Arsenal. Sometimes players look good because they play for lesser clubs.

Javier Hernandez

Signing a player from Manchester United gives any Arsenal fan a good feeling, but perhaps not in the case of Javier Hernandez. He is not much as a passer, and his work rate is suspect at times. He is a far superior finisher to most of the strikers I have reviewed in the article, but again, “if he’s not good enough to start for them, why should he start for us?”

Stevan Jovetic

Right. Finally a player for which I have more good words than bad. Jovetic is a great all-round attacker, and has a vigorous, exciting style that would be an asset to any team. Man City haven’t been playing him much during his spell there so far, but that’s more to do with the scintillating form of Agüero and Negredo than with Jovetic’s quality. Wenger may not think he is “super quality” but if you’re going to sign a squad player then you may as well sign a great squad player.

Fernando Torres

I am reluctant to say that Torres would be a good signing for Arsenal, but I definitely don’t cringe at the idea. What I like about this possible signing, is that while Torres still posses the class and pace he had at Liverpool, his low goal scoring form at Chelsea puts him in no position to demand a regular starting place at a new club. It would be great to have a player of Torres’ quality, humbled by his bad experiences at Chelsea, and spurred on by the desire to prove himself to a new set of fans, as back up for Giroud.

Karim Benzema

Not another Frenchman! Seriously though, Benzema is a world-class finisher, useful in the build-up and he’s French so Wenger will probably sign him. But, will he take Arsenal to the next level or is merely another squad player?

Luis Suarez

Well this is a tough one. If Suarez was only a footballing machine, magical device that scored wondrous goals and bamboozled defences, I’d yell “Sign him up!” Unfortunately, Suarez is a person too and not a very nice one at that. He is racist, violent, a touch canabalistic and a cheat, a diver. Do we, the noble and mighty Arsenal, need that kind of baggage at our club? Sorry Luis, an attitude like yours doesn’t deserve to play at a classy club like Arsenal.

Diego Costa

A hard worker, talented finisher and clever with his movement, Costa offers goals and tenacity to whichever team he plays for. The only downside to this transfer, would be his sizeable price tag. Is it worth paying £30 million for a player that has only been playing well for one season?

Marco Reus

A young, hard working, and ridiculously skilfull German, would fit into any team and I would love to have him at Arsenal. He clearly loves football and doesn’t seem to mind playing in different positions, for the good of the team. He is apparently a huge admirer of Tomas Rosicky. He can play with him next year if he likes!

Robert Lewandowski

Well ahem, speaking of world-class strikers, saying no to Robert Lewandowski would be as crazy as Martin O’Neill turning down the chance to sign Radamel Falcao. What’s that? He did!? Well, if Bayern Munich don’t snap him up the minute his contract expires, we should not make the same mistake the Irishman made. My only miniscule concern is that Giroud may be a litte cheesed off by the arrival of an exceptional player that would almost certainly keep him out of the starting line-up.

Daniel Sturridge

In my opinion, Sturridge would be a phenomenal signing, for a few reasons: firstly he is SUPER talented (forget for a moment his dance moves). He scores all sorts of goals – delicious chips, diving headers, well-placed tap-ins, curlers – and he has Brazilian like skill enclosed in a British package. Sturridge’s nationality is another reason why the signing is a good idea. Even as a South African, I think it would be great if Arsenal could once again dominate when it comes to club representation in the England team. Finally, signing a great player from a rival club is a real statement of intent, and a massive “up yours” to that rival. Yes we’d have to pay over the odds for him, but what the ‘ell, eh? A talented player like Sturridge deserves to be at a club like Arsenal.

Which striker should Arsenal buy?

Written by Matthew HurlowFollow him on Twitter: @ArsenalZA

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