Rumour: Argentine play maker heading to Manchester United in the summer?

Ecuador v Argentina

Ever Banega

Manchester United look poised to beat Arsenal and Tottenham for the signature of Argentine playmaker Ever Banega. The 25-year-old playmaker has been on United’s radar in the past, with the club having sent representatives to watch him play at least three times.

According to the Daily Star, Manchester United look poised to sign Ever Banega for £20 million in the summer. The Argentine playmaker wants out of Valencia and the club too have agreed to do so, but only at the end of the year, and for a minimum fee of £20 million.

Moyes’s first summer in charge of the club didn’t go according to plan after several high-profile pursuits ended in defeat and will be keen to make up for lost time next summer. The 25-year-old versatile midfielder has been one of the few shining stars in an otherwise disappointing past couple of years for Valencia and their financial difficulties mean that they might lose out on him as well, before too long.

Ever Banega is a versatile midfielder, who will perfectly fit the bill at United, as he is equally adept at playing a defensive or offensive midfielder. The Argentine has made a name for himself over the past few years and has been a regular in the Valencia starting lineup and one of the first names on the team sheet. Already this season, he has notched up three assists and even has a goal to his name in just 12 League games, playing primarily as central defensive midfielder.

His dribbling and close control coupled with his eye for a pass, made Europe take notice and has attracted the attention of Premier League teams like Arsenal and Tottenham and Serie A Champions Juventus in the past. The two North London clubs were especially keen on his signature and wanted to bring him to London. But the duo are likely to miss out on Banega as he is reportedly on his way to Old Trafford in the summer.

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