What does Manchester United need this transfer season?

David Moyes under pressure

David Moyes under pressure

What does Manchester United need this transfer season?

This is one of the questions being asked for past few transfer seasons, all over the world. And every single time Sir Alex has answered it with his wit, decision making and excellent man-management. He always knew his team inside out and what his team needs to make it complete. Even though Manchester United’s recent transfer market acquisitions didn’t send out ripples in the market, United never lacked resources to land a star at Old Trafford. This was because gaffer would find just the right piece of the jigsaw puzzle to form a winning team, be it his latest signing of Robin van Persie or the signing of Eric Cantona years earlier.

But this transfer season, the picture at Old Trafford is not the same. Sir Alex has stepped down as a manager and the team is in a transition phase (though it was also in a transition phase during his last season in charge, which resulted in United winning the league). Now, the new man David Moyes is under huge amounts of pressure from media and fans alike to deliver results familiar to Manchester United. For Moyes, results are coming but not consistently which is essential for a club like Manchester United.

Moreover, his big money signing Fellaini is yet to make an impact. To add to his list of worries, last time United were out of the top four at the start of New Year was way back in 2001/02 season (just 3 points away from the leaders). Given the calibre David Moyes possesses and being a recommendation from the gaffer himself, I hope he keeps his temperament and wits to once again find the right piece of this year’s jigsaw puzzle.

For the fans, this situation is proving to be a dilemma. “Midfielder! Midfielder! Midfielder!” is all that the fans are shouting now. Yeah, why not? It’s more than just crystal clear that United lack a player in that key position. The creativity and range of passing that United stood for during the reigns of Paul Scholes, David Beckham, Roy Keane, Crisitano Ronaldo, etc. and many more is somewhat not visible in today’s squad. With Cleverley not rising up to expectations, Fletcher ringed with injuries and a makeshift arrangement of Jones is not helping United’s cause. Somebody else is needed along with Michael Carrick to pull the strings in midfield. The question is; who? Only time will tell.

This predicament with United was evident from the fact when Scholes was called back from retirement, which finally steadied the Red Devils’ struggling ship. So why did not Sir Alex act promptly and get a replacement in? Why were not the likes of Ozil or Sneijder signed up at times when they were available and keen to switch clubs?

I feel he had the superior man management skills to counter it. Sometimes I still wonder what would have been the scenario if he would have found a replacement before he retired. Those are ifs and buts; what is to be seen now is whether or not United are going to splash the cash and make amends to the weakened midfield. I personally think it’s now high time.

While at Everton, Moyes did a pretty good job with a modest transfer budget limits. But Old Trafford is a different ball game all together. Expectations are high, there are multiple tournaments and results are imminent. For results to fall in; we need performers. And for a club of the pedigree of United, star performers are essential. So this transfer season I hope right things happen for Manchester United, which result in a defining moment for Moyes’s career at Old Trafford.


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