Fortnite: SypherPK addresses a game-breaking issue that is ruining the fun for many

Credit: Twitch / SypherPK
Credit: Twitch / SypherPK

This has been quite a mixed year for Fortnite's developers. On one hand, various new releases and the much-awaited introduction of cars have given gamers a lot to look forwards to. On the other, notable Fortnite streamers/gamers such as Ninja and SypherPk have complained about some basic issues that still plague the game.


SypherPK in particular, has voiced concern over the lack of action in Fortnite, and has said that other games such as Hyper Scape and COD: Warzone have better overall action. On the 18th of July, he further illustrated the issue with a Twitter post.

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Fortnite: SypherPK and his complaint about the game's pacing.

In the tweet that you can see below, SypherPK explains how even before the second circle could fully close, there was only 3 other players left in the entire game. He says that there are quite a few ways in which this can be improved to better distribute the action across the map, and urged the developers to take the matter seriously.

The tweet was posted on 18th July on SypherPK's official Twitter wall:

This isn’t the first time he has explained the situation. He spoke at length earlier this month about the decreased action levels on Fortnite. Back then, he talked about the way players spawn in Fortnite, and explained exactly how other games have been able to ensure better distribution of action across their maps.

Further, he also added that the COD: Modern Warfare has quicker landing, and players can start firing at opponents mid-air. This leads to quicker and better action throughout the map.


On the contrary, Fortnite does not allow players to inflict damage until after they have landed. This makes the games slower, and players prefer to land in locations where that are not heavily contested. SypherPK then went on to explain his point, and said that in the initial years of Fortnite, getting ten kills was not considered a big deal.

Nowadays however, ten kills are often enough to win you the match, which is a huge downgrade as far as the intensity of action is concerned.

You can watch the video below to look at his full reaction. The video was posted on SypherPK’s official YouTube account:


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