Remastered Resident Evil available for Pre Load

Resident Evil
Resident Evil

It looks likes it’s an early feast for the Resident Evil fans. The Resident Evil HD, which happens to be a remake of a remake is now available for Pre load on PS4, Xbox One, and also on pre-order through Steam for PC platforms. The original release date of the game is scheduled on January 20, 2015 on all platforms. It is available at a price of $20.

But, for the players who pre-order the game through Steam, they will receive two extra items. One is the soundtrack of the game which contains over 30 tracks and the next is a digital novel of the series by George Trevor, the iconic Spencer Mansion's architect.

For PS3 and PS4 users, a cross buy product of the game is also available but, only on pre-odering the game. Assuming the pre-load support works smoothly at release, these players should be able to play the title on either console come January 20.

The new Resident Evil looks a lot better than old one, in terms of graphhic detailing. Also, in addition to the remake of the game, the studio also announced that they will release Resident Evil: Revelations 2 in 2015. For now, we wait for January 20 for the release of Resident Evil, or if you’re in a hurry, then you can pre-order right now.