5 Easy Yoga Poses for Relieving Shoulder Tension

Poor sleeping posture is one of the many causes of shoulder tension. (Image via Unsplash/ Maryjoy Caballero)
Poor sleeping posture is one of the many causes of shoulder tension. (Image via Unsplash/Maryjoy Caballero)

Numerous factors can lead to shoulder tension, which is very common. These include routine daily motions that require repetitive forward movements, poor posture, or the propensity to hold your head still.

It doesn't take much to cause pain in this area of the body, and it's common for the pain to spread to the shoulders and back. Usually, stiff neck and shoulder tension develops over time; they seem to creep up on you before appearing suddenly and unnoticed.

Poor sleeping posture is one of the many causes of shoulder tension. It can trigger tightness as you sleep even though you may not be aware of it. It may result in stiffness and tension if you sleep in a posture that twists or tenses the neck and shoulders unnaturally.

Yoga Poses to Ease Shoulder Tension

You can ease neck and shoulder tension by performing the following five yoga positions:

To keep your neck and shoulders relaxed, incorporate these postures into your routine, and practice them as often as you'd like any time you feel tense. Let's get started:

1) Thread the Needle Pose

The rotator cuff, trapezius, and rhomboids — muscles in the shoulder and neck, which if overly tight, can hurt the shoulders — are stretched in this restorative position, relieving shoulder tension.



  • Begin in a child's pose with your knees broader than shoulder width, big toes touching, and hips repositioned such that they are closer to your heels. Maintain a lengthy torso and arms.
  • Keeping your palms up, tuck your left arm underneath your right arm, and place them between your right hand and right knee.
  • To extend your left shoulder, push the back of your arm against the floor, and gently bring it back to the left.
  • Hold the position while breathing in to expand your chest and out to enhance the shoulder stretch.
  • Continue on the opposite side.

2) Cow Face Pose

You may extend and open your chest to release shoulder tension by using the cow face pose.



  • Put yourself in a relaxed sitting position.
  • Lift your left elbow while bending your arm so that your hand reaches your back.
  • Raise your right hand to reach and clasp your left hand, or gently move your left elbow to the right with your right hand.
  • Spend 30 seconds in this position.
  • Do it again on the other side.

3) Half Lord of the Fish Pose

The spine, shoulders, and hips are stretched during this twist. It also helps relieve shoulder tension.



  • Take your right foot from where you are sitting along the ground towards the outside of your left hip.
  • Your left foot should be rooted into the ground to the outside of your right thigh when your left knee is bent and crossed over your right leg.
  • Lengthen your spine, and turn left with your upper body.
  • Put your left hand behind your buttocks on the ground.
  • Your left leg should be on the outside of your right arm while you do the above step.
  • Alternately, do a moderate neck movement forward and backward while turning your head to glance over either shoulder. Hold this position for a minute.
  • Repeat on the other side.

4) Standing Side Bend

This side bend relieves shoulder tension while enhancing side body mobility.



  • Stand in the mountain posture, with your heels and big toes almost touching.
  • Connect your fingers overhead. Point your index fingers upward while locking your arms.
  • Turn your arms such that your biceps are facing the ears.
  • Put pressure on the balls and heels of your feet.
  • Making your torso as tall as you can, tilt your upper body to the right while lightly squeezing your hips in the other direction.
  • Hold the position, breathing in as you stand taller and out as you bend deeper.
  • Repeat on the left.

5) Reclined Twist

Maintaining a flexible and robust spine requires movement and twisting. This pose aids in releasing shoulder tension by realigning the spine from the lower back to the neck.



  • Lie down on your back.
  • Directly above your hips, lift your knees. Relax your legs while bending the knees.
  • Directly outstretch your arms to the sides, with palms upward.
  • Keep your legs stacked as you sag to the left, keeping the right knee on the left hand.
  • Twist by engaging your core. To intensify the stretch in your back, draw your ribs into your midsection.
  • Turn to the right while pushing your chin away from your shoulders.
  • Hold the pose while breathing in to keep yourself upright and out to tighten your abdominals and deepen the twist.
  • Repeat on the other side.


Regular yoga practice is essential for both treating and preventing neck and shoulder discomfort. The aforementioned exercises can help build the muscles and strength needed to ease pressure on the joints and keep your posture correct.

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