5 Killer Upper Arm Workouts To Build Huge Arms

Weightlifting - Commonwealth Games Day 1
Weightlifting - Commonwealth Games Day 1

It can be difficult to get solid upper arms. Obviously, there are some arm workout tips that you must follow to make sure that you get the best possible results. However, not everyone is informed about the same. Firstly, let us look at some very important points and tips that will help you through your journey.

1. Do not train excessively. Overtraining will not only prevent you from getting the best results but it will also lead to muscle exertion and soreness. It is a myth that working on your arms 7 days a week will get you ripped. It will lead to injuries, nothing else.

2. Just working on your arms will make you look funny. Why? Imagine this, your arms are on point, but your shoulders, back and your legs are nowhere close to it. Will it make sense? Try and incorporate a routine for different body parts and aim for an overall development.

3. Diet is important. Remember, getting bigger arms does not mean getting a thick layer of fat on it. It means building muscle and mass. Therefore, do not assume that diet is not important. It should, after all, be 70 percent of your efforts.

4. Do keep a check on what you do. When your arms start getting used to the exercise routine, change the routine a little. Keep challenging your muscles and do not stagnate. If you notice that even though you are working religiously, your arms are not responding at all, increase the weights.

5. Remember, 2-3 days a week is the ideal number of times you must work on your arms.

6. Posture, technique and form are very important when it comes to arm exercises. See to it that you do not compromise with any of these just to get through your session.

Now, let us look at an upper arms workout to build huge arms:

Exercise #1

Close Grip Barbell Bench Press



Step 1: Lie on a bench and hold a barbell. Make sure that your palms are about shoulder width apart. Extend your arms over you such that your elbows are locked. Your palms must face forward.

Step 2: Bend your elbows and lower the barbell down. Stop when it reaches the middle of your chest. Your elbows must be close to your body throughout this movement.

Step 3: Hold for a second and get back to the initial position. Repeat the exercise after pausing for a second.

Do 2 sets with 15 reps each. Do not hurry through it.

Also, read 5 Bicep Workouts At Home To Build Strong Arms.

Next up: Dumbbell Alternate Curls

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Exercise #2

Alternate Dumbbell Curls



Step 1: Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand straight. Keep your elbows close to your body and make sure that your palms are facing your legs.

Step 2: Keep your upper arms stationary and bring the weight up by curling your hand, one side at a time. Go until your palm is facing forward and the weight is at your shoulder level.

Step 3: Hold for a second and get back to the initial position. Repeat for the other side. This makes 1 rep.

Do 2 sets of 10 reps on each side.

Next up: Tricep Dips

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Exercise #3

Tricep Dips



Step 1: Place a bench behind you and sit on it. Place your arms on the edge of the bench. Keep your arms extended and move your legs forward to get your hips off the bench. Extend your legs in front of you.

Step 2: Lower your body down by bending your elbows. Do not put unnecessary strain on your shoulders. Go down until your elbows are bent at 90 degrees.

Step 3: Engage your triceps and push your body back up to the initial position. Repeat.

Do 2 sets of 15 reps each.

Also, read 5 Best Exercises For Triceps You Should Start Doing Now.

Next up: Diamond Push-Ups

Exercise #4

Diamond Push-Ups



Step 1: Get down on the high plank position with your arms extended under your shoulders and your body forming a straight line from your head to your heels.

Step 2: Bring your palms under your chest and make a diamond using your thumb and index finger.

Step 3: Lower your body by bending your elbow. Go as low as possible.

Step 4: Push your body back up to the initial position and repeat.

Do as many reps as you can.

Next up: Chin-ups

Exercise #5




Step 1: Hold a bar with your palms facing your body and your hands about shoulder width apart.

Step 2: Engage your core and pull your body towards the bar. Go until your chin touches or is slightly higher than the chin-up bar.

Step 3: Straighten your arms again to get back to the initial position. Go slow and repeat.

Do as many reps as you can and do not hurry through this exercise.

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