5 Power Yoga Poses for Faster Weight Loss

 Power yoga enhances your metabolism as well as boosts your immunity. (Image via Unsplash/ Jade Stephens)
Power yoga enhances your metabolism as well as boosts your immunity. (Image via Unsplash/ Jade Stephens)

Power yoga is the first thing that springs to mind when discussing yoga for weight loss.

American yoga instructors Bryan Kest and Beryl Bender Birch, who studied Ashtanga with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, first used the term "power yoga" in the middle of the 1990s. They sought to develop a more adaptable and looser variation of Ashtanga yoga, quickly known as power yoga.

Power yoga is a quick cardio workout that focuses on strengthening and flexing the body via powerful yoga poses. It contains many vinyasas — a series of poses performed in succession — and the athleticism of Ashtanga.

With its focus on weight loss, strength, and flexibility, power yoga has made yoga popular in American gyms.

Raised feet pose and 4 other great power yoga poses for weight loss

You can burn considerably more calories with power yoga because it is far more intense than traditional yoga. It resembles an accelerated bodyweight workout with amusing poses.

Power yoga postures can help yogis develop a strong sense of connection to their physical bodies. This relationship between breath, mind, and body can reduce stress and enhance both one's physical and emotional well-being.

Listed below are some power yoga routines that are great for weight loss.

1) Side stretch pose

This pose can be done on an empty stomach first thing in the morning or last thing at night. It helps strengthen intercostal muscles in addition to promoting weight loss.


Follow these instructions to do the exercise correctly:

  • Hands should be placed on either side, palms facing down while standing erect.
  • Bounce your hands upward, propelling them in the upward direction.
  • Bring your left leg forward.
  • Slowly stoop down and place your palms on the floor.
  • Make sure to maintain straight knees.
  • Hold this posture for 14 seconds.
  • On the other side, carry out the same procedure.

2) Raised feet pose

By training and strengthening your stomach, thighs, pelvis, and lower back muscles, this power yoga position aids in weight reduction.


Follow these instructions to do the exercise correctly:

  • Lay on the ground with your palms facing down, your back straight, and your legs straight.
  • Slowly lift your left leg making 90 degrees with your right leg.
  • Keep both the legs straight. Hold for some time
  • Follow the same procedure on the other leg.
  • Resume your lying down position.
  • Slowly raise your legs so that they are parallel to the ground.
  • Repeat the entire procedure 10 to 15 times for effective weight loss.

3) Half-fish pose

The half-fish pose is a great power yoga pose that not only helps in weight loss, but also increases flexibility and strengthens the spine and oblique muscles.


Follow these instructions to do the exercise correctly:

  • Take a seat on the floor with your legs crossed in front of you.
  • Place one foot over the other with the soles of both feet flat on the ground.
  • Maintain a straight spine while doing a half-twist with your upper body.
  • Place your twisted elbow on your knee.
  • Hold this position for ten to fifteen seconds.
  • Perform the same on the other side.

4) Half-wheel pose

This power yoga pose helps strengthen your back and abdominal muscles, thereby helping in weight loss.


Follow these instructions to do the exercise correctly:

  • Stand erect and put both of your hands on the side.
  • Your palms should be facing forward when you raise your hands high.
  • Put as much of a backward bending as you can while keeping your feet firmly planted.
  • While you are leaning backward, join your palms.
  • Without straining your neck, slowly hang your head.

5) Chair pose

The chair pose is the best exercise for your legs and has several advantages. Although there are many versions of this pose, they are all excellent for building muscle. This position specifically targets the muscles in your hips, waist, pelvis, inner and outer thighs, as well as your glutes.


Follow these instructions to do the exercise correctly:

  • Start by standing up, making a namaste salutation, and raising your arms above your head.
  • Bow down until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  • Maintain this posture for 30 to 60 seconds.


Power yoga is essential for shedding pounds and reshaping your body. It focuses on maintaining a yoga flow and seamlessly transitioning from one pose to the next.

Your immunity will be boosted through this form of yoga, and your metabolism will be enhanced.

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