5 Simple Dumbbell Exercises That Can Help Burn Belly Fat

Simple dumbbell exercises to lose weight. (Photo via Eduardo Cano Photo Co./Unsplash)
Simple dumbbell exercises to lose weight (Photo via Eduardo Cano Photo Co./Unsplash)

There are simple dumbbell exercises to lose weight that also help with toning the muscles. These exercises focus on activating the bigger muscle groups and using a lot more energy.

The more energy you require, the more calories your body will burn to generate that fuel. That will trigger the weight loss process and enable you to become leaner.

Simple Dumbbell Exercises to Lose Weight

The following are five simple dumbbell exercises to lose weight and allow your muscles to become stronger with time.

You don't need to do all the exercises together to become leaner. A combination of certain exercises and adding variations to the routine will be optimal. Let's get started:

1) Squat Thruster

Squat thruster is an exercise that focuses on the quads and shoulders. Therefore, the lower body and the upper body engage in this exercise. To do squat thrusters, hold a dumbbell in each hand, and place your arms beside your torso.

Lower yourself to replicate the squat motion, and proceed to do a squat. As you push yourself back up, push your arms overhead to do a shoulder press. The entire exercise needs to be one swift motion.

It may sound or feel difficult in the beginning, but it's an extremely helpful exercise to trigger weight loss.


2) Dumbbell Lunge

Another simple dumbbell exercise to lose weight is the dumbbell lunge. This exercise focuses on the quads, glutes, and calves as well. However, lunges have an interesting benefit, as it can be done unilaterally.

When you work on one leg at a time, you will be able to mix any strength or muscle imbalance between both legs.

You can find a guide for dumbbell lunges here.


3) Plank to Upright Row

Plank to upright row allows you to engage the entire upper body. This is one of the simple dumbbell exercises to lose weight that activates and strengthens the core muscles.

To do this exercise, move to a plank position with your palms on the dumbbells as support. From there, bring your legs towards your chest; push yourself up using your heels, and pull the dumbbells in an upright row motion.

This motion is done in a single flow as one exercise.


4) Dumbbell Side Bending

Dumbbell side bending helps with activating the oblique muscles and working on your love handles and side muscles.

To do a side bending, hold a moderately heavy dumbbell in one hand while your other hand will be behind your head. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart. This is your starting position.

For the exercise, bend towards the side you’re holding the dumbbell on, and use the muscles of the other side to pull yourself back up. The movement should be from the hips with only your side muscles engaging.

Keep a strong muscle-mind connection to avoid your upper body taking over the movement. You should aim to complete at least 12-15 reps of the exercise before repeating on the other side.


5) Dumbbell Deadlift

Dumbbell deadlifts may not be an immediate dumbbell exercise you may choose to lose weight, but it’s easier than barbell deadlifts. Moreover, dumbbell deadlifts allow you to understand the form better, as two lighter dumbbells are comparatively less heavier than one barbell.

Ideally, you should understand the form of any compound exercise using lighter weights and build a strong muscle-mind connection. This connection will allow you to engage the proper muscle groups as you move to heavier weights.


Bottom Line

Simple dumbbell exercises to lose weight are only useful if you’re following a calorie deficit diet.

Your diet is key when you want to trigger the weight loss process, otherwise all your efforts will lead to improving muscle endurance and strength but not weight loss.

When you’re in a calorie deficit, your body will aim to burn the stored calories to make up for the deficit. That will trigger the weight loss process and help you become leaner.

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