5 Super Easy Core Exercises For Women To Strengthen Their Core & Get A Flat Stomach

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We all want strong and flat abs, but where most of us go wrong is just concentrating on it. There is more to it than just abs. what you must focus on is your core. The difference between your core and your abs is the inclusion of muscle groups.

Your core includes all your abdominal muscles that are responsible for strength and stability while your abs do not include all the groups. So it is advised to concentrate on your core because you indirectly end up working on your abs too, but the other way is not possible.

Some things you must remember before working on your core are:

1. Your core and abs muscles are not different from the other muscle groups. In the sense that, working with them every day will do more harm than good. Like you have an arm day, leg day etc. have 2-3 abs days in a week to see effective results.

2. Do not correlate the number of reps to the effectiveness of the workout. In this case, too, the posture and the form matters a lot. Go slow but go hard.

3. Your core strength will determine a lot of things, for example, the power to lift things without triggering a back pain or more controlled motions etc.

4. A core exercise must not cause any discomfort in your lower back region. If it does, check the exercise that you are doing and try again.

5. Every core exercise that you do can be made tougher with the help of a stability ball. However, graduate to an uneven surface once you have mastered the even one.

Once we have understood the important pointers, we will move on to a super easy core exercise routine for women to strengthen their core and help them get a flat stomach.

Exercise #1


This is an exercise that is a must-do when it comes to your core strength. We will do regular planks and side planks.



Step 1: Get in the pushup position and keep your arms extended under your shoulder and your toes firmly on the ground such that your body forms a straight line from your head to your heels.

Step 2: Now, bend your elbows and rest your forearms on the floor. This is the plank position.

Do the plank position for 2 minutes with a break in the middle. In order to do the side plank, which works on your oblique and pelvic muscles, you need to lie on one side, keep your legs on one another, with your lower forearm on the ground.

Important tip: The other arm will be on your hips. You need to then lift your body in the air and hold for 30 seconds. Do 1 minute of side plank on each side.

Also, read 6 Super Effective Ab Workouts for Women to Lose Belly Fat & Get Six Pack Abs.


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Next up: Reverse Crunch

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Exercise #2

Reverse Crunch

This exercise works on your core and not only increases strength but also helps with tummy reduction.



Step 1: Lie on your back and extend your legs in front of you and keep your arms by your side.

Step 2: Get in the tabletop position by bending your knees.

Step 3: Inhale and curl your legs towards your chest as you lift your hips off the ground. Continue until your knees touch your chest. Inhale when you do this.

Step 4: Hold for a second and return to the initial position as you exhale. Repeat.

Important tip: Do 2 sets of 15 reps each.

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Next up: Dead Bug

Exercise #3

Dead Bug

The Dead Bug works on your abs and also helps to increase your core stability and strength.



Step 1: Lie on your back. Extend your legs forward and your hand towards the back.

Step 2: Lift your legs and get in the tabletop position by bending your knees at a 90 degrees angle.

Step 3: Engage your core and stick your back to the ground. Straighten one leg and bring it over your chest. Simultaneously, raise your alternate arm to the top of your chest. Relax and repeat with the other side. This makes on rep.

Important tip: Do 2 sets of 20 reps each.

Also, read 8 Best Ab Exercises To Get Those Perfectly Sculpted Six Packs.

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Next up: Jackknife Sit-ups

Exercise #4

Jackknife Sit-ups

This exercise is also known as the V-ups and is very effective when it comes to working on your core.



Step 1: Lie on your back and extend your arms behind you and your legs in front of you.

Step 2: Exhale, bend your waist, and raise your legs and arms off the floor. Your legs must form 45 degrees with the ground whereas your arms must be parallel to your legs.

Step 3: Inhale and lower your limbs back to the initial position. Repeat.

Important tip: Do 2 sets of 15 reps each.

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Next up: Dumbbell Side Bends

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Exercise #5

Dumbbell Side Bends

This dumbbell exercise increases the flexibility and strength of your oblique.



Step 1: Stand straight and hold a dumbbell in each hand.

Step 2: Keep your back straight and chest up. Slowly, lower the weight to your right side while maintaining the posture. Get back up and repeat for the left side. This makes up 1 rep.

Important tip: Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

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