5 TikTok Ab Challenge Exercises That Will Work Your Core

Here are the best TikTok ab challenge exercises for your core! (Image via unsplash/Jonathan Borba)
Best TikTok ab challenge exercises for core (Image via unsplash/Jonathan Borba)

If you're an avid user of TikTok, you've probably heard of TikTok ab challenges. The hashtag has several million posts and covers dozens of core exercises.

If you use the app often, you’re probably more focused on the fun of it all or even just trying to get better at making videos. However, did you know that there are actually some TikTok challenges that can get your core in shape?

It might seem like a stretch, but there are several workouts and exercises that exist on TikTok specifically for working out the abs. These can be great ways to get into shape while also having fun doing them.

In this article, we will go over a few top TikTok ab challenge exercises that you can do to your favorite TikTok songs:

Best TikTok Ab Challenge Exercises for Core

Here's a look at five such workouts:

#1 Reverse crunch

The reverse crunch is as simple as it sounds. It's an exercise that has been popularized by TikTok ab challenges and is a staple when training core.

It's done as follows:

  • Lie on your back, and bend your knees, keeping them together.
  • Bring your feet towards your butt till they're close enough that you can place both hands palms down on the floor behind each knee.
  • Lift your shoulder blades off of the floor as high as you can go, and hold for a second before lowering back down.
  • Repeat this movement for 10-15 repetitions per set with 1-2 minutes of rest between sets.
  • The glutes (butt), lower back, abs, hip flexors, and hamstrings are all activated during this exercise.

#2 Leg raise

Leg raises are another exercise quite renowned among TikTok ab challenge videos and is undoubtedly one you should look to add to your routine for a stronger core.

To do it, follow these steps:

  • Lie on your back on a mat, and bend your knees.
  • Using your core to stabilize, lift your legs up a few inches off the floor till they're at a 90-degree angle with the body (or as much of an angle as you can manage).
  • Hold the position for five seconds, and lower down slowly to the starting position before repeating the move ten times (five times per side).

#3 Russian twist

Russian twists are another exercise quite common on TikTok ab challenge videos. They are great at targeting the obliques while engaging the core.

To build strong obliques and target your core, follow these steps:

  • Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Lift your feet off the floor, and rest them on a chair or bench behind you.
  • Lean back, and lift your feet up to touch the chair as far as possible.
  • Keep your upper body still, and twist from side to side.
  • Repeat 20 times on each side.

#4 Bicycle crunch

The Bicycle Crunch is an excellent TikTok ab challenge exercise that works the rectus abdominis, obliques, and lower back muscles. This move should be performed with control to avoid injury.

To do it:

  • Lie on your back with knees bent at 90 degrees and feet flat on the floor or slightly off ground.
  • Place your hands behind the neck for support, or keep your arms straight by the sides if you don't have any neck pain issues or previous injuries to it.
  • Raise shoulder blades off the floor by pulling your stomach in towards the spine till only the upper torso remains on the ground (keep neck relaxed).
  • Form a 'V; shape with your hips and legs still at a 90-degree angle from the lower body.
  • Raise your legs, and bend your knees.
  • Bring one leg close to your contracted torso before extending it out again. Repeat with the other leg, and increase your pace.

#5 Plank jack

You can do plank jacks anywhere, and they're perfect for getting the heart rate up. The key is to do them quickly — you want to be moving fast and actively.

This is a simple core exercise that can get the heart rate up, work the legs and arms, and help develop strong abdominal muscles. Plank jacks are very popular on TikTok ab challenge videos, as they strengthen the core via planks but also incorporate a form of jumping jacks to give you an added cardio boost.

To do this exercise:

  • Start in a high plank position with your hands directly under the shoulders and toes on the floor.
  • Keep your body in a straight line by engaging the core muscles throughout the exercise — don't let it sag towards the floor.
  • Jump both feet out to a wide 'V' shape (about as wide as you're able to).
  • Return them to starting position, and repeat for 30 seconds without resting between reps, or up to 60 reps if you're feeling particularly strong.


At the end of the day, it's important to remember that there are many ways to work your core.

While you mostly use TikTok for leisure, you can use TikTok ab challenges to amp up your core workouts. Whether it's a simple plank or leg raises, a full-on ab routine with weights, or even just some yoga poses, these are all great ways for anyone who wants an ab challenge exercise programme.

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