5 Ultimate Inner Chest Exercises to Build Your Inner Pecs

(CM) FE12FTWOMENEX_CM05 Jill Gillett does a chest press with her 5 pound dumbells during the workout class called 'Strong Women Strong Bones' at the Buck Recreation Center in Littleton on Tuesday, May 6, 2008. Cyrus McCrimmon, The Denver Post
Dumbbell Press

#2 Decline Dumbbell Fly


The decline dumbbell fly targets both the pectoral muscles in the chest, and has a larger emphasis on the lower pecs. In addition, this exercise targets the deltoids in the shoulder region along with a host of stabiliser muscles found in the back and the arms.


Step 1: Position yourself on a decline bench and hold the dumbbells in both the hands. Place the dumbbells in front of your chest with fully extended arms. Take care that the arms are perpendicular to the body.

Step 2: Gradually lower the dumbbells to the side in a wide arc until they are almost in line with the body. You should bend your elbows while lowering the weights to avoid unnecessary stress on the biceps.

Step 3: Hold for a moment and return to the initial position. Raise the dumbbells by following the same path that you used to lower them.

Perform the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.

Important tips: Do not overload the weights and focus on achieving a higher rep count. Avoid dropping the dumbbells as it could lead to a rotator cuff injury.

Next up: Wide Grip Push-Up

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Edited by Alan John