6 Best Dumbbell Lat Exercises for Thick and Wider Back

(Image via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)
Dumbbell lat exercises (Image via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

If you want to build a thick and wider back, you should incorporate dumbbell lat exercises into your workout routine.

Some of the benefits provided by these exercises are better muscle symmetry, improved posture, increased range of motion, enabled weight progression, and more.

Best Dumbbell Lat Exercises

Here's a look at six such exercises:

1) Dumbbell Pullover

This is one of the staple old school bodybuilding exercises that has often been used by bodybuilders to develop thick and wider back. Dumbbell pullovers can help with the increased muscle mass in the body along with boosting strength.


How to do this exercise?

  • Position your upper back over the bench with your hips raised above the ground and feet flat, like in hip thrusts.
  • Grasp a dumbbell in both hands, and raise it over your head with your arms extended.
  • Make sure to keep your back straight and core engaged throughout the movement. Lower the dumbbell to bring it behind your head.
  • Return the weight back to the starting position, and repeat.

2) Renegade Row

It's one of the most overrated dumbbell lat exercises that can help you get a wider back and engage the chest muscles. It also help in building better core strength and boosting body balance.


How to do this exercise?

Begin in the traditional push-up position on the ground while clutching dumbbells in both palms. Balance your body on your toes and palms, keeping your body straight and abdominals engaged.

Raise your left hand and dumbbell off the ground, and row it towards your chest. Lower the hand back to the ground; swap sides, and repeat.

3) Dumbbell Upright Row

It's a compound exercises that can enable you to get thicker and wider back by targeting multiple muscle groups at once. It can also enhance muscle symmetry.


How to do this exercise?

  • Begin in a good standing position with a straight posture. Keep your feet apart at hip distance and knees slightly bent.
  • Maintain a neutral position on your neck and head, with your chin tucked in towards the chest.
  • Clutch dumbbells in both hands, with palms angled towards your body. With dumbbells close to your body, row them upwards to shoulder height.
  • Bring them back to the starting position, and repeat.

4) Dumbbell Single Arm Row

Besides helping you get a thicker and wider back, the unilateral movement of dumbbell single arm rows can help in the balanced development of strength and muscles on both sides.


How to do this exercise?

  • With a neutral grip, clutch a dumbbell with your right hand while using your left hand to support your body against a bench.
  • Lean forward so that your upper body is almost parallel to the bench while your left knee is pressing onto the bench.
  • Make sure to keep your back flat and core tightened throughout the movement. Bring the dumbbell towards your hips by driving the elbows towards the ceiling.
  • Return the weight back to the starting position. Swap sides, and repeat.

5) Dumbbell Bent-over Row

It's one of the staple dumbbell lat exercises that not only help you to get a wider back but also greater definition in your upper body.


How to do this exercise?

  • Clutch dumbbells in both hands, with your palms angled towards each other.
  • Fold forward from your hips above to bring your upper torso almost parallel to the ground.
  • Let your arms hang to the floor while keeping them completely extended.
  • Drive your elbows upward towards the ceiling, and row the dumbbells towards your lower abdomen while keeping your elbows tucked in towards the body.
  • With control, lower the weights back to the starting position, and repeat.

6) Dumbbell Lat Pullover

The vertical pulling movement of this exercise can enable you to get a wider back along with increased upper body strength.


How to do this exercise?

  • Begin in the lying position with your upper back on the bench along with your hips. In this position, your thighs should be angled parallel to the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground.
  • Grasp the head of a dumbbell in both palms, and hold it over your chest with your arms completely straightened.
  • While keeping your hands straight, bring the dumbbell backward over your head. Bring the weight back to its original position, and repeat.

Bottom Line

The aforementioned dumbbell lat exercises are some of the best and most efficient options if you want to build a thick and wider back.

Besides helping you build a wider back, these exercises can also help in increasing strength and developing muscle mass in the body.

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