6 Ultimate Shoulder Exercises For Boulder Shoulders

Eastwood Keeps Fit
Simple exercises can result in V-taper body

In the upper body, shoulders are probably the most widely used muscle. Shoulders are composed of the larger Deltoid muscles viz., anterior, medial, posterior and smaller rotator cuff muscles which support the shoulder ball & socket joint.

While we talk about aesthetics and proportion on a physique, the deltoids give width to the upper body and is an important contributor to the ‘V-taper physique’, making the upper body appear larger and stronger while it also makes the waist appear narrower.

Therefore, before we attempt to get ready for the workouts for bigger shoulders, it is important that we first understand the anatomy of the shoulder muscles that we are trying to train.

It is the deltoids muscles that can be seen on the outside of the body, whilst the rotator cuff group is found within the shoulder joint itself, providing structural support and allowing the shoulder to perform many functions.

Listed below are 6 of the easier & best shoulder workouts which can be performed at home.

#1 Big Arm Circles



Step 1. Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart. Lift and extend your arms to the sides.

Step 2. Rotate your arms forward slowly, making big circles.

Step 3. Complete one set in one direction and then switch, rotating your arms backward. Repeat preferred repetitions.

Important Tips:

1. Breathe-in while lifting the arms and breathe-out while rotating the arms around.

2. Take care to keep the movement controlled & slow.

#2 Dumbbell lateral raise



Step 1. Stand erect with your feet hip-width apart and arms at your side, holding a dumbbell in each hand.

Step 2. Lift your arms to your sides to your shoulder level, palms facing downward.

Step 3. Hold the weight at the top of the movement for 1-2 seconds, squeezing the contraction.

Step 3. Lower your arms slowly and repeat preferred repetitions.

Important tips:

1. Do not use momentum to move through during the exercise. The focus should be on moving in a slow and controlled way with each rep.

2. Do not bend your arms during the movement. Try to keep your arms straight.

Next up: Dumbbell Front Raise

#3 Dumbbell Front Raise



Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of your thighs. Your palms should face toward you.

Step 1. Raise your arms up in front of you.

Step 2. Pause when the dumbbells reach shoulder height.

Step 3. Slowly return the weights to the starting position. Repeat.

Important Tips:

1. Avoid lowering the weights quickly. Lower them slowly and with control.

2. Keep your elbows bent slightly at all times.

3. Don't use momentum. Control the movement and get a good contraction in the shoulder.

Also, read 8 Ultimate Dumbbell Workouts You Should Do To Hit Every Muscle.

Next up: Arnold Press

#4 Arnold Press



Step 1.Stand erect with your feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand.

Step 2. Engage your core. Keeping your back flat, bring your weights to shoulder level, with your forearms in front of your chest and your palms facing back. This is the starting position.

Step 3. Rotate the weights so that your palms face forward as you press the weights directly above your shoulders.

Step 4.Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position, and repeat preferred repetitions.

Important tip:

1. Do not rush through the press. Allow full rotation with the weight.

Next up: Dumbbell Upright Row

#5 Dumbbell Upright Row



Step 1. Hold a pair of dumbbells with an overhand grasp and hold the weights in front of your thighs with your palms facing inwards.

Step 2. While keeping the weights close to your body, pull the dumbbells up toward your chest. Elbows should remain flared out during the movement. When the dumbbells are at chest level, take a pause for 1 or 2 seconds.

Step 3. Lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. Repeat preferred repetitions.

Important tips:

1. Avoid using momentum to move through the exercise.

2. Make sure to raise the weight through a full range of motion.

3. Avoid allowing the weight to move away from the body. Instead, keep the weight close to the body throughout the exercise.

Also, read 6 Effective Shoulder Stretches To Instantly Fix Tight Shoulders & Relieve Tension.

Next up: Dumbbell Bent-Over Lateral Raise

#6 Dumbbell Bent-Over Lateral Raise



Step 1. Pick up a set of dumbbell and bend your torso until your chest is parallel with the ground.

Step 2. Maintaining a slight bend in the elbows, raise your arms out to the side until they are parallel with the ground.

Step 3. Raise the dumbbells in a reverse-fly motion; squeezing the scapula together at the end of the motion. Exhale during the movement.

Step 4. Inhale and lower the weights slowly in a controlled manner. Repeat preferred repetitions.

Important tips:

1. Make sure to contract the shoulder blades together at top of the movement.

2. Keep the upper torso stationary as you lift weights to the sides of the upper body.

Let us know how these exercises helped you in the comments section below!

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Edited by Kishan Prasad