6 Resistance Band Exercises for a Tight Tummy

Resistance band exercises can help tone your tummy. (Photo via Pexels/Gustavo Fring)
Resistance band exercises can help tone your tummy. (Photo via Pexels/Gustavo Fring)

Using a resistance band for core strengthening is one of the best ways to train your abs and get a tight tummy. Resistance band exercises work your abdominals, including external and internal obliques, spinal erectors, and transverse abdominals, while also targeting your glutes, lats, and traps.

Resistance bands offer enough stress and resistance to work your muscles harder. They neither impact your joints nor require the intense strength needed for machines or hand weights. Plus, these bands put more emphasis on eccentric contractions while improving your posture and balance along the way.

If you are tired of sit-ups, planks, and other bodyweight ab exercises, try these resistance band exercises to switch your routine and tone your tummy.

Banded dead bug and 5 other great resistance band exercises for a tight and sculpted tummy

Perform at least 15 reps of each of the following exercises and aim to complete three sets.

1) Kneeling banded crunch

Follow the instructions below to perform this exercise correctly:

  • Attach a resistance band to an anchor, such as a cable column or the top of your door. Kneel down and face away from the anchor.
  • Hold each side of the band and pull it over your shoulders while keeping your elbows bent.
  • Slowly extend your elbows at your shoulder level and engage your abs to crunch down towards the floor.
  • Return to the initial position and repeat.

2) Banded dead bug

Follow the instructions below to perform this exercise correctly:

  • Loop a mini-band around your right foot and hold the end in your opposite hand. Stabilize your shoulder and hand on the banded hand and extend your right foot behind. To add intensity, you can bring your unbanded hand over your head.
  • Contract your abdomen to stabilize your spine and slowly extend.
  • Return to the start and repeat.

3) Banded reverse crunch

Follow the instructions below to perform this exercise correctly:

  • Anchor a resistance band to the handle of your door or any lower object. Lie on the floor with your face up and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle.
  • Loop the band around the top of your feet and stretch it back to create tension.
  • Now with your core tight and your spine flat, use your abdomen to curl your lower body up towards your shoulders.
  • Simultaneously, lift your hips off the floor and pull your knees near your chest.
  • Return to the initial position and repeat.

4) Banded Russian twist

Follow the instructions below to perform this exercise correctly:

  • Sit on an exercise mat with your feet together and extended in the front. Wrap a resistance band around your feet and hold each end of the band in your hands.
  • Slightly bend your knees and lean back at a 45-degree angle. Extend your arms in the front and keep the band taut.
  • Slowly twist to your left and return to the center before twisting to your right and returning.
  • Continue to twist on both sides for a few reps.

5) Banded woodchopper

Follow the instructions below to perform this exercise correctly:

  • Anchor the band to a cable column for support. With your left side towards the cable column, hold the free end of the band with both your arms stretched over your head.
  • In one motion, pull the band diagonally across your body until it reaches the level of your knees, and at the same time, rotate your left hip while pivoting your right foot.
  • Return to the initial position and repeat.

6) Banded bird dog

Follow the instructions below to perform this exercise correctly:

  • Loop one end of the band around your left hand and the other end around your right foot.
  • Extend your banded arm in the front and your banded knee behind you. As you do this, keep your spine straight and ensure your body makes a straight line from your head to your toe.
  • Return to the center and switch sides to repeat.

Wrapping up

Resistance bands are an inexpensive and incredibly beneficial piece of equipment for workouts that you can do anywhere and anytime. They are portable, compact, and offer great resistance to boost your overall muscular strength and endurance. Plus, they provide a variety of ways to keep your workout sessions fun and effective.

However, to get the most out of the aforementioned exercises, it is important to use a high-quality resistance band because the elastic can easily snap and pop you in the face. Moreover, your form is equally important when working with resistance. Neglecting your form can damage your connective and muscle tissue.

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