6 Simple Ways For Men To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Last Modified Sep 25, 2018 07:36 GMT

What are love handles?

Fat around the waistline – often called as love handles is very difficult to get rid of and one must have tremendous levels of discipline along with unrivalled commitment levels. No visible results within the first month of the program make it even more challenging as one needs to engage in weight loss programs for longer durations with the same intensity.

Flat stomach

Complimenting a healthy diet with regular workouts is very effective in reducing belly fat. However, keep in mind to perform workouts that focus on the abdomen area as it directly attacks the love handles. Additionally, incorporate changes to your lifestyle that includes good amounts of physical activity and better work-life balance.

Let us dive in deeper and look closer at the six simple tips that men could follow to burn fat at a faster pace and get rid of love handles.

#1 Add HIIT workouts to your training program

Exercise is very effective in burning fat, and the general go-to workouts for accelerated weight loss are aerobic exercises. However, studies in the recent past have demonstrated that performing high-intensity interval training exercises over general exercises accelerate weight loss due to the explosive movements present in these workouts. Additionally, these exercises not only tone the target muscle group but also activate a slew of stabilisation muscles in the body.

Include side planks, bicycle crunches and mountain climbers in a HIIT workout, which all are very effective exercises to get rid of love handles.

#2 Lift weights

Lifting weights as part of a strength training program has a host of benefits; apart from building muscle, lifting weights also go a long way towards accelerating calorie burn, which could show immediate results in reducing the excess fat around the waistline.

Lift weights such that both the rectus and the transverse abdominal muscles are targeted with greater intensity as these exercises directly attack the love handles. Barbell Squat and the straight-leg barbell sit-up are fine exercises to target the core.

Beginners must lift weights under expert supervision, and people suffering from lower back pain must exercise caution while training with free-weights.

#3 Get quality sleep

Several studies have pointed out that the quality and quantity of sleep is related to weight gain, and it is established that people deprived of sleep display increased stress levels compared to people who slept for the required amount of time, which leads to weight gain and building of fat around the abdomen region.

Quality of sleep is as important as the quantity of sleep as it is seen that people with five hours of quality sleep responded better to a weight loss program than people who suffered from disturbed sleep, even if the duration of sleep was the recommended eight hours.

#4 Added sugars is a big no

A proven method to accelerate weight loss is following a low-sugar diet by cutting down sources of added sugars. Added sugars not only increase the fat around the waistline but could also cause diabetes and other life-threatening heart ailments.

However, do not completely avoid sugars as it could turn out to become counterproductive, and might lead to further complications down the line.

Not all sugars are bad for the body, and replacing sweetened carbonated beverages with fruit juices is very effective as they are a source of natural sugars along with loads of essential vitamins and minerals.

#5 Reduce calorie intake and include adequate quantities of dietary fibre

Reducing the overall calorie intake is the most effective way of reducing the fat and accelerating weight loss. However, one should keep in mind to not still pepper that diet with loads of fruits and vegetables as these foods contain tonnes of minerals and vitamins, which are crucial for the body.

Additionally, try to include good quantities of dietary fibre in your meals as it is very effective in improving digestion and promoting a feeling of fullness, which could, in turn, reduce the overall calorie intake.

Make a point of consuming just over 30 grams of dietary fibre on a regular basis for long-term benefits concerning the reduction of fat in the abdomen region. Furthermore, dietary fibre has no significant calories even if it is a carbohydrate.

#6 Reduce alcohol intake

The calorie content of alcohol is quite high when compared to carbohydrates and proteins, which is one of the principal driving factors of weight gain. In addition, having alcohol before a meal increases the appetite, which forces an individual to eat more and ultimately, take in more calories.

Along with cutting down on alcohol, one should incorporate changes to their lifestyles to include a balanced diet and increased physical activity.

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