7 Best Home Workouts for Legs for the Elderly

Keeping legs strong and flexible are important for the elderly. (Photo by A Koolshooter via pexels)
Keeping legs strong and flexible are important for the elderly. (Photo by A Koolshooter via pexels)

Legs are the support system for the entire body. So, everyone, especially the elderly, must perform leg strengthening exercises regularly to keep their muscles strong and moving.

Leg exercises are important, as they help restore mobility in the elderly. Having strong leg muscles not only helps in standing and climbing, but it also promotes overall balance and stability, lowering the risk of falls in seniors. Exercises can also help you stay more energetic, improve the overall functioning of your brain and prevent various diseases.

Leg strengthening exercises also improve the strength of the lower back and prevent pain and injuries. They help promote lean muscle mass and reduce the risk of osteoporosis too.

Legs Exercises for Seniors

Here's a list of seven of the best low-impact leg exercises every older can do in their homes. Remember to start slow, and stop immediately if you experience pain. Let's get started:

1) Calf Raises

Calf raises are an east exercise that strengthens the calf muscles and helps with balance while also promoting mobility.

To do it:

  • While standing behind a sturdy chair, hold the back of it for balance and support.
  • Keeping your back straight and hands on the chair, start to lift your body balancing on your tip toes, and go as high as you can.
  • Do not overexert, and keep the rest of your body stable.
  • Slowly return to the starting position, and repeat.

2) Ankle Circles

Ankle circles are one of the best ways to move your legs and feet. This exercise helps keep your ankles flexible, which is important for stability and overall balance. Strong ankles can keep you in control as you move or walk.

To do it:

  • Sit on a chair, and keep your spine neutral.
  • Keep your right foot on the floor, and raise your left knee as high as you can.
  • Simultaneously draw circles with your left foot.
  • Perform the same movement with your right foot.
  • If you are unable to raise your knee, just extend it out, and continue the exercise.

You can also perform this exercise while standing, to make it more challenging.


3) Knee Extension

This exercise is very useful for improving the range of motion in the elderly and also works great for knee rehabilitation.

To do it:

  • Sit on a chair, and place both your feet on the floor.
  • Slowly raise and straighten your right knee directly in front of you, and tilt your toes inward.
  • Stay in this position, and return your foot to the floor.
  • Repeat a few times, and do the same with your left knee.

4) Hip Marching

Hip marching basically works on your thighs and hip flexor muscles. This exercise also helps move your legs up so that you don’t trip and fall.

To do it:

  • Sit straight, and keep your feet on the ground.
  • As you inhale, lift your right knee as high as you can, and lower it back down.
  • Repeat, and continue doing it with your other knee.

5) Step-up

Step-ups strengthen the legs and help in movements, such as climbing stairs and jogging. It also develops strength in the glutes and quads.

To do it:

  • Stand straight at the bottom of a stair, and tightly hold the handrail for balance.
  • Lift your right foot, and plant it on the step in front of you.
  • Lift your left foot, and put it next to your right.
  • Slowly step back using one foot at a time.
  • Relax, and repeat the exercise.

6) Lunges

Lunges help strengthen your legs, hips and quads, which are important muscles used for walking, standing and balancing. Moreover, they also help you in getting up and lifting things.

To do it:

  • Stand upright, and maintain a shoulder distance between both your feet.
  • Keep your hands on your hips, or just let them hang naturally on your sides.
  • Slowly take a step forward with your right foot while keeping your torso straight.
  • Bend slightly down, and return your foot to the starting position.
  • Do the same with your left foot.

7) Partial Squats

This exercise works on hip flexors and quads and promotes hip flexibility.

To do it:

  • Keeping your core engaged and shoulders relaxed, stand straight holding the back of a chair or anything sturdy.
  • Breathe easily, and bend both your knees to lower your body. Go as down as you can comfortably, but do not bend your upper body.
  • Return to the start, and repeat.


Perform at least two to three of the above-mentioned exercises, and aim to do them twice a week. However, be mindful that when you're doing these exercises, do not force your body.

If you have a lower body injury or any other health condition, talk to your doctor first to check if these exercises are safe for you.

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