7 Best Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners

Kettlebell workouts for beginners (Image via Unsplash/Alora Griffiths)
Kettlebell workouts for beginners (Image via Unsplash/Alora Griffiths)

Kettlebell workouts are a great way for beginners to add variety to their workout routine. The kettlebell workout can provide efficient strength training to the body as well as act as a good alternate for dumbbell moves.

Including kettlebell workouts in the training regimen can challenge your muscles in a unique way along with strengthening them. These exercises target multiple joints in the body and engage all the major muscle groups.

Kettlebell workouts are very efficient, as they target all aspects relating to fitness that include power, strength and endurance.

Best Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners

We have curated a list of the seven best kettlebell workouts beginners can incorporate in their training regime:

1) Kettlebell Goblet Squats

Performing the goblet squat with the kettlebell in front allows for a better balance in the deeper squat position. This exercise engages your glutes, which tend to be neglected in the workout routine. The kettlebell goblet squat can help beginners add movement, allowing for greater functional movement and strength.

This kettlebell workout can provide multiple benefits, including the development of grip strength, enhanced hip mobility, greater range of motion and isometric training of the biceps.


2) Kettlebell Single Arm Deadlift

This kettlebell workout tends to be one of the most effective compound exercises that can help in strengthening the muscles of both the upper and lower body, including quads, hamstrings and glutes. Often, kettlebell single arm deadlifts are also called posterior chain exercises.

The kettlebell single arm deadlift can be considered the perfect workout for beginners who are looking to build muscle through the kettlebell. It can help in boosting the overall strength of the body along with enhancing its balance and coordination.

3) Kettlebell Deadlift

Kettlebell Deadlift is a versatile workout that has a significantly reduced risk of injury in comparison to the barbell. This kettlebell workout targets the muscle group responsible for movements such as crouching and bending over.

This exercise can help in building the muscular strength of the body along with enhancing explosive movement. There are different variations of the kettlebell deadlift, such as kettlebell sumo deadlift and decline kettlebell deadlift, that can be incorporated into your workout to avoid monotony.


4) Kettlebell Squat Thruster

Incorporating this kettlebell workout into your training regime entails several benefits, including an improved squat pattern.

The movement of this workout can highly challenge the core and back muscles. Throughout the movement of the kettlebell squat thruster, your core will be effectively engaged. Therefore, performing this exercise can help strengthen the core muscles and enahnce scapular stability.

Additionally, the kettlebell squat thruster can help in reinforcing the external rotation along with increasing the body's balance and unilateral strength. However, performing this kettlebell workout requires sufficient strength in the back muscles and stability in the body.

5) Kettlebell Push Press

The ballistic nature of this kettlebell workout provides a full body workout. The Kettlebell push press helps in building full body strength and endurance. The movement of the exercise helps in developing dynamic shoulder stability and leg power.

Other advantages of the kettlebell push press include better overhead mechanics, better compound stimulation and improved athletic performance. You should include this kettlebell workout in your training circuit to engage your entire body.


6) Kettlebell Windmill

The kettlebell windmill is a slightly complex workout that engages your entire body, just like a kettlebell push press. This exercise should only be performed after building reasonable flexibility, strength and stability.

This workout specifically targets the core muscles and shoulders. It can enhance better stability of the obliques and glutes along with improving the flexibility of the hips and hamstrings. That cab improve the functional movement of everyday life, such as climbing, bending and walking.

7) Kettlebell Swing

Just like other kettlebell workouts, this one also provides a plethora of benefits. Kettlebell swings can improve your cardiorespiratory fitness by working on your entire body and help in developing a stronger posterior chain. It's also a great calorie crusher that can allow for effective weight management.

This workout can boost your overall fitness and power by activating several muscle groups in both the lower and upper body.


Bottom Line

The kettlebell can be considered a versatile piece of equipment for both beginners and regulars at the gym.

The aforementioned kettlebell workouts can provide innumerable benefits to your body, including burning a high number of calories, strengthening the muscles and building stability in the body. Considering the same, you should include it in your training regime.

However, choose a kettlebell with a weight that's suitable for you, considering your strength and power.

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