Are Sugary Drinks a Cause of Hair Loss in Men?

Sugary drinks can cause hair loss in men (Image via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)
Sugary drinks can cause hair loss in men (Image via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)

Scientific research has found that sugary drinks tend to be a potential contributing factor to male pattern hair loss.

Sugary drinks are often associated with several adverse health effects and now that also includes non-scarring hair fall in men or male pattern hair loss. These drinks include common sweetened beverages such as soda, soft drinks, sweet tea, energy drinks, preservative juice, and more.

In this article, we will discuss whether sugary drinks cause hair loss in men along with effective hair loss treatment for men and about early receding hairline.

Sugary drinks (Image via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)
Sugary drinks (Image via Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)

Hair Loss in Men

A recent study in the Tsinghua University found that the consumption of sugary drinks tends to be highest in the age group of 13 to 29 years old. Since it is one of the major dietary sources in such an age group, these sugary sweeteners tend to be a potential risk factor for the early receding hairline in men. The study found out that thirty percent of men who consumed at least one sugary drink had hair loss problems. However, to understand the link between hair loss amongst men as well as sweetened drinks, additional studies need to be conducted because additional factors such as the environment and genes are also contributing factors to hair loss in men.

The link between sugary drinks and hair loss men in is still not completely clear, however, it is assessed that the high sugar content in these sweetened drinks contributes towards hair loss in men by negatively impacting on the body’s ability to absorb minerals and vitamins that are essential for healthy hair growth.

Early receding hair line (Image via Pexels/Antony Trivet)
Early receding hair line (Image via Pexels/Antony Trivet)

Type 2 diabetes is also linked to the increased chances of hair loss in the crown area of your head. The increased sugar intake in your diet will spike up your blood sugar levels, which will further increase your hair loss by damaging the hair follicles. Sugar also tends to be addictive, which will result in intense cravings for sweets along with feelings of bloating and deprivation.

Early Receding Hairline

The early receding hairline in men can begin any time after the end of their teenage years or puberty. Generally, most men have receding hairlines as they reach the age of the late 30s. Receding hairline can be understood when your hairline starts moving backwards and across your head. It generally creates a ring of hair around your bare scalp.

Hair Loss Treatment for Men

Several over-the-counter medications are available for hair loss treatment in men, including ointments and foams. These available treatment options will help in stimulating hair growth along with slowing down hair loss. The two most popular medications for hair loss treatment are finasteride (Propecia) and minoxidil (Rogaine). However, it is recommended to begin hair loss treatment after consultation with a medical professional.

Restrict sweetened drinks from your diet (Image via Pexels/Izabella Arvai)
Restrict sweetened drinks from your diet (Image via Pexels/Izabella Arvai)

To prevent hair loss, it is also crucial to incorporate a healthy diet into your routine, which is jam-packed with nutrients such as zinc, iron, vitamin C, and minerals. Your diet should be rich in lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables. Restricting your intake of sugary drinks can also help in reducing the probability of hair loss in men.

Other methods to prevent hair loss in men include avoiding harsh hair treatment, avoiding pulling your hair, restricting medications with hair loss as a side effect, and using a comb with wide bristles.

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