5 Best Cable Ab Exercises to Crush Your Core

The cable ab exercise machine is one of the most dynamic and user-friendly gym machines available.(Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash)
The cable ab machine is a dynamic and user-friendly one.(Photo via Unsplash/Alora Griffiths)

The cable ab exercise machine is one of the most dynamic and user-friendly gym machines.

While most people use it for upper body exercises like the abdomen, back, and biceps, few recognize that it's also great for the abs. The cable machine's design allows for fluid movements and consistent tension, allowing you to strengthen your target muscle group and increase time under tension.

Abs and cores are especially beneficial cable ab exercises. It's a great way to gradually increase strength as well as add variety to your workout.

Cable machine explained

Cable pulley machine (Photo via Pezel/Andrea Piacquadio)
Cable pulley machine (Photo via Pezel/Andrea Piacquadio)

The cable machine is sometimes referred to as pulley machine, as it's primarily composed of an extendable pulley system with stacks of graded plates.

Furthermore, the machine has two separate pulley towers that are independent of each other. Depending on the exercise, you may choose to use only one or both. Everything is adjustable, including the height of the pulley, weight, and number of grips. That allows for a wide range of exercises you may not find on other gym machines.

Best cable ab exercises

Here's a look at five such exercises:

#1 Cable crunch

Crunch is a simple exercise. (Photo via Unsplash/Fortune Vieyra)
Crunch is a simple exercise. (Photo via Unsplash/Fortune Vieyra)

Crunches as an ab exercise are done by many. They're one of the simplest exercises and requires the least amount of room to complete. That doesn't make them any less effective, though, as they target the abs better than most.

To do the exercise, put a double-grip rope in the machine's highest slot. If you don't want your knees on the ground, you can use a mat. Kneel down about three feet away from the cable machine, holding the rope's handles, and keep your back straight and core tight.

Bend your torso, and lower your head to the floor. Instead of curling your upper back down, consider pushing the upper abs on the floor. Return to your starting position slowly, but don't straighten the torso. Repeat

#2 Cable standing crunch

The standing crunch provides more range of motion than the previous cable ab exercises, but keep in mind that it also requires the most balance. That means you will be dividing your attention, despite the fact that a wide range of motion is ideal for engaging the entire rectus abdominis.

To do the exercise, place your feet shoulder-width apart in front of an elevated cable machine, facing the weights. With palms facing the shoulders and elbows bent and pointing down, grab the straight bar connection with just an underhand grip.

Tighten the abs, and bend your waist till the torso is parallel to the ground. Pause for a moment, and return to your starting position.

#3 Cable side bend

This cable ab exercise improves lower back and hip stability. (Photo via Pexel/Bruno Bueno)
This cable ab exercise improves lower back and hip stability. (Photo via Pexel/Bruno Bueno)

One of the best cable ab exercises to enhance the core and target the obliques is the cable side bend. This exercise also improves lower back and hip stability.

To do it, connect the D-handle to a low pulley, and stand in tandem with the weight stack. Hold the D-handle in both hands, and stand with the pulley to the right. Laterally flex your torso (bend sideways) towards the pulley, and keep your arm straight and near your body.

Pull the D-handle upward while bending your torso away from the pulley. Bend your torso towards the pulley to gently lower the D-handle back to the starting position.

#4 Cable reverse crunch

The cable reverse crunch is indeed a demanding cable ab exercise that primarily hits the rectus abdominis, the tissue in the abdomen comprising the six-pack.

To do it, attach an ankle strap to the cable machine's bottom. Head up to the floor with your hands on your sides. Bring your knees to your chest slowly, lifting the hips and glutes off the floor.

Throughout the movement, try to keep your knees bent. Lower the legs back to the starting position slowly and with control. Repeat till the desired number of reps has been reached.

#5 Standing Cable Twisting Row

The cable twisting standing row is another nice and effective single cable ab exercise.

It uses a lot of muscles, as it requires you to rotate the waist slightly. As it's a unilateral exercise, you must keep your core engaged throughout the movement.

To do it, connect an elbow-high cable pulley to a single grip handle. Step back, and take a staggered stance with your knees slightly bent. The arm should be straightened out, and waist should be rotated towards the cable.

Pull back towards your waist while spinning the waist in the same direction, keeping the elbow close to your body. Pause briefly at the end of the movement, and return to the starting position slowly. Rep the desired amount of time.


In terms of developing upper and lower body power and strength, combining resistance like cable with bodyweight exercises delivers a superior result than training with weight training alone. Combining cable ab exercises with barbell and weight plate ab exercises can help you get thick and shaped six-pack abs quicker.

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