Mastering cossack squat to improve hip mobility

Cossack squat helps in improving hip mobility. (Image via Pexels/ Antoni Shkraba)
Cossack squat helps in improving hip mobility. (Image via Pexels/Antoni Shkraba)

If you have performed different types of squats, now it’s time to perfect another member – Cossack Squat.

The Cossack squat could appear to be an improperly performed squat or a squat cheat at first appearance. However, it offers a new dimension to how you work out your lower body and has numerous benefits a regular squat does not have.

This deep squat with a half-split is definitely challenging, but it's incredibly gratifying for pretty much the entire body.

How to perform the cossack squat?

Squats primarily target leg muscles. (Image via Pexels/ Kampus Production)
Squats primarily target leg muscles. (Image via Pexels/ Kampus Production)

If you're wondering about the name, let's tell you this interesting fact. It got its name, as it resembles a classic folk dance move traditionally performed by the Cossacks of eastern Europe.

The cossack squat is quite similar to a regular squat; but, instead of using both legs to squat, you essentially shift your bodyweight more significantly onto one leg.

Follow these steps to do the cossack squat correctly:

  • Place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, and stand up. Toes ought to be pointing forward or just a little bit outward, but not too much.
  • Squat down till the hip is below the knee by shifting your weight to one foot.
  • While keeping the other leg straight, bend the other leg.
  • Keep your hips down and chest up.
  • Using the strength of your bent leg, forcefully push your body back into the starting position.

Benefits of cossack squat

Any variation of squats is good for the lower body muscles. The cossack squat primarily targets the hamstrings and adductors of the straight, stable leg as well as the quadriceps of the bending leg.

Let’s have a look at the benefits of cossack squats:

1) Improved range of motion

Squatting improve range of motion. (Image via Pexels/ Polina Tankilevitch)
Squatting improve range of motion. (Image via Pexels/ Polina Tankilevitch)

A restricted range of motion increases risk of injury and slows development of squat strength.

Cossack squats increase the range of motion in the lower body by increasing adductor and hamstring flexibility as well as hip, knee and ankle mobility. It's crucial that you perform this exercise solely with your bodyweight till you can do so comfortably throughout your whole range of motion.

2) Builds resilient joints

Your straight leg should feel a strong stretch in the hamstrings and abductors, while your bent leg should go deep into the ankle, knee and hip.

This stance is used to enhance joint health and lessen the chances of soft tissue injuries.

3) Supports hip mobility

Cossack squat also targets the abdominal muscles. (Image via Pexels/Polina Tankilevitch)
Cossack squat also targets the abdominal muscles. (Image via Pexels/Polina Tankilevitch)

Cossack squat not only prevents muscle imbalance but also expands, fortifies and stabilizes the entire hip joint. The hip joint on the working leg flexes and lengthens as you descend in and ascend out of the squat.

Both these actions simultaneously provide the hip adductors with a hard, satisfying stretch, which helps enhance hip mobility.

4) Targets leg muscles

This exercise puts a strain on the glutes, notably the gluteus medius, as well as the quadriceps, hamstrings and hip adductors.

This muscle, which is a member of the hip abductors, stabilizes the pelvis when you balance on one leg and rotates and abducts the legs.

5) Strengthens the abs

Unexpectedly, the cossack squat also strengthens your obliques, the abdominal muscles that run along the sides of the trunk. To prevent the torso from twisting as you drop into the squat, these muscles must be engaged the entire time.

A fabulous way to add variety to a programme is to incorporate lateral exercises like the Cossack squat, which engages the body in the frontal plane.

It's a favorite mobility exercise among professionals and can help you have a greater range of motion in the ankles, knees and hips.

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