Can consuming Raw Chicken be a dangerous delicacy? 

Raw Chicken (Image via Unsplash/Philippe Zuber)
Raw Chicken (Image via Unsplash/Philippe Zuber)

Did you ever think of having raw chicken? Well, in the age where social media influencers often go to extremes to capture the attention of their followers, John (surname withheld), a Florida-based influencer, has taken his quest to a whole new level by consuming raw chicken for 25 days straight.

The unusual diet consists of a smoothie blend of raw chicken, raw eggs, lettuce, and various flavorings. John's dietary experiment raises significant health concerns because of the well-documented risks associated with consuming raw poultry and eggs, including serious infections from bacteria like salmonella and campylobacter.

Understanding the Risks of Raw Chicken

Raw Chicken (Image via Unsplash/Karyna Pancheckno)
Raw Chicken (Image via Unsplash/Karyna Pancheckno)

Uncooked chicken and eggs are widely known for their risk of carrying dangerous bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Common signs of these infections are fever, feeling sick, throwing up, and diarrhea. In extreme situations, infections in the blood might lead to being admitted to the hospital or even death.

The danger is especially significant with bacteria such as salmonella and campylobacter, often present in uncooked poultry. Despite these potential hazards, John hasn't experienced any sickness from his unique diet, leading to curiosity about what might shield him.

One reason for John's endurance might be the body's inherent protection against pathogens found in food. The stomach's extremely acidic surroundings, with a pH between 1.5 and 2, are unfriendly to many microbes, potentially disrupting their genetic material or destroying them.

Furthermore, digestive enzymes, mucus, and the immune system provide additional defences against infections. John's technique to blend the chicken increases the area exposed to stomach acid, likely boosting this protective mechanism. Also, the chicken's freshness and the specific spices he uses may play a role in lowering the risk of infection.

The Role of Diet and Preparation

John asserts he acquires his chicken directly from a specific farm, implying that the meat is fresher and possibly comes from a stock with fewer dangerous bacteria. The age of the meat is critical, as bacteria levels can rise over time. The selection of spices by John, like soy sauce and various herbs, could also aid in the safety of his unique diet.

Raw Chicken (Image via Unsplash/Usman Yousaf)
Raw Chicken (Image via Unsplash/Usman Yousaf)

Soy sauce is known to boost the secretion of stomach acid and has antibacterial effects against various bacteria types. In the same way, chilli sauces and potent herbs such as thyme have been proven to suppress the growth of bacteria that cause food poisoning.

The Dangers of a Raw Diet

Despite these possible mitigating factors, eating raw chicken is still a risky bet. The inherent dangers linked to raw poultry mean that safety can never be entirely assured, as meat that appears fresh can still be laden with harmful microbes.

The only sure way to make chicken safe for consumption is by cooking it, which effectively eliminates dangerous bacteria at temperatures above 75°C (167°F).

The standard recommendation for consuming chicken, and indeed all types of meat, is to cook them thoroughly, negating the threat of food poisoning and promoting a nutritious diet.

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