Preserve your youth: Here are 9 ways to reverse aging

Are there any ways to reverse aging? (Image by Rod Long/Unsplash)
Are there any ways to reverse aging? (Image by Rod Long/Unsplash)

You can reverse aging or at least slow it down by following a healthy lifestyle, as time waits for none and aging is a natural phenomenon. However, if you want to look young and not like your calendar age, you can restore your youth by having a younger biological age.

Resting on time, exercising, eating the right food, and avoiding cigarettes and alcohol can help you in the process of regaining your youth. As we grow old, all our organs age, and when it comes to our skin, we start getting wrinkles and fine lines. This is because our cells start to get damaged with time and thus the skin loses collagen.

Let us see 9 powerful ways to reverse aging so that we can look younger and better.

The 9 powerful ways to reverse aging

1. Avoiding cigarettes

Say no to smoking if you want to preserve your youth (Image by Lex Guerra/Unsplash)
Say no to smoking if you want to preserve your youth (Image by Lex Guerra/Unsplash)

When you smoke or vape, multiple chemicals come out from the toxic smoke of burning tobacco, which damages the skin cells and affects the body. Thus the wrinkles get more prominent on the face and there are chances of the skin getting discoloured too.

Smoking also harms other organs and even causes cancer. Fortunately quitting can help to stop further damage and untimely aging.

2. Self-care and less stress

Do not overstress (Image by Francisco Moreno/Unsplash)
Do not overstress (Image by Francisco Moreno/Unsplash)

Very often, we get so busy in our everyday lives and work that it is very hard to find time for ourselves. Stressing because of work, and not being able to manage oneself, can take a toll on your mental health. This can make you age faster.

Hence try and find time for yourself every day for both your physical and mental health. Try to do what you like at that time and do not let anyone or anything interrupt it. Make a routine and follow that every day to avoid stress and manage your worries.

3. Consume your daily dose of Vitamin C

Reverse aging with your daily dose of Vitamin C (Image by Diana Polekhina/Unsplash)
Reverse aging with your daily dose of Vitamin C (Image by Diana Polekhina/Unsplash)

This supplement can reverse aging as it is an antioxidant that works against free radicals - the radicals that cause skin aging and damage to our body.

Having enough vitamin C (as a supplement, or in our diet), can protect our skin from oxidative stress and also improve skin elasticity by making the body produce more collagen. This will help you look more youthful and your fine lines and wrinkles will slowly start to fade away.

4. Working Out Daily

Workout daily to look young and fit (Image by Anastase Maragos/Unsplash)
Workout daily to look young and fit (Image by Anastase Maragos/Unsplash)

Exercising daily whether indoors or outdoors, strength training or cardio, can help to improve the blood flow in the body. Although working out cannot stop aging, it can delay aging by increasing your endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility.

It can improve cognitive function, and help protect against diseases like dementia, and staying healthy can even make you live longer.

5. A Proper Diet

Eat healthy to look young and healthy (Image by Jannis Brandt/Unsplash)
Eat healthy to look young and healthy (Image by Jannis Brandt/Unsplash)

Eating healthy and limiting your calorie intake has a lot of health benefits. It will help you to stay away from obesity or from being overweight and therefore you won’t be a victim of heart or liver diseases.

Consuming the proper amount of protein, fish, vegetables, and healthy fats can increase your life span and slow or reverse aging. It will help also you to retain your muscles and mass and also have better eyesight.

Eating less or intermittent fasting can improve your body’s defence against oxidative and metabolic stress and repair the damaged molecules, thereby fighting aging.

6. Proper sleep

Do not forget to sleep well, as sleeping heals (Image by Bruce Mars/Unsplash)
Do not forget to sleep well, as sleeping heals (Image by Bruce Mars/Unsplash)

We often neglect sleep and stay up, fidgeting with our phones or tablets. Sleep is essential when it comes to rejuvenation and repair, as the cells get repaired while we sleep. There is muscle repair and growth while we are napping and it also helps the brain to process new information.

Sleeping can even slow down aging as the body heals itself when we are resting. Think of a body as a battery and the sleep as a charger that charges it every day, so that you can get up and work the same the next day.

Not sleeping can cause dark circles, which can worsen your aging and make you look much older than your real age. Sleep for 7-8 hours daily and continuously and look young and flawless.

7. Take extra supplements

Take added supplements to reverse aging (Image by Leohoho/Unsplash)
Take added supplements to reverse aging (Image by Leohoho/Unsplash)

There are ample products available in the market that can help reduce aging by providing the body with healthy vitamins and minerals. Taking these medications can also reduce cholesterol levels, reduce stress, and help to manage blood pressure levels. It can also provide relief against joint or knee pain caused because of aging.

Take supplements like glycine, vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin B, etc to improve skin quality and have a better and healthier immune system and overall health.

8. Avoid junk

Avoid alcohol and junk food if you are looking to reverse aging (Image by Adam Jaime/Unsplash)
Avoid alcohol and junk food if you are looking to reverse aging (Image by Adam Jaime/Unsplash)

Do not go for chocolates or shakes that contain a lot of sugar and fats. Avoid transfats too that are found in fried foods mainly. Instead consume healthy fats like omega 3 from fish oil, olive oil, flax seeds, and many more to reverse aging.

9. Always keep yourself hydrated

Always stay hydrated to reverse or stop aging (Image by Manu Schwendener/Unsplash)
Always stay hydrated to reverse or stop aging (Image by Manu Schwendener/Unsplash)

When we are dehydrated we see our skin cracking or looking pale. Our body needs 3 liters of water every day and most of our skin is made up of water, which makes hydration an important aspect of skincare.

Drink your daily dose of water for glowing and flawless skin and keep yourself hydrated to slow down or reverse aging. This is the easiest way to reverse aging.

Live a happy and stress-free life, eat healthy food, and drink plenty of water. Do not overindulge in drinking and smoking and always get ample sleep. Follow a healthy lifestyle and reduce, delay, or reverse aging.

It is not so hard to look young right? All you will need is consistency, patience, and perseverance!

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