Surprising causes of aging that you probably didn’t know about

Reason why you are aging rapidly (Image via Unsplash/ Clement Falize)
Reason why you are aging rapidly (Image via Unsplash/ Clement Falize)

Aging is a natural process that happens to everyone. As you get older, your body changes from what it was when you were younger, but that doesn't mean it's something to be afraid of.

Aging is just one of those things in life that we can't stop no matter how hard we try. But that doesn't mean there aren't ways to help slow down the process and make it easier on yourself!

Here are some surprising ways that you can slow the aging process

1) Sun exposure

Exposure to sun can cause skin to age (Image via Unsplash/ Todd R)
Exposure to sun can cause skin to age (Image via Unsplash/ Todd R)

Sun exposure is the most common cause of aging. To protect your skin from the sun, wear sunscreen and a hat with a wide brim that shades your face, ears, neck and shoulders. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from damaging UV rays. It's also important to avoid going out in the sun during peak hours (10 am-2 pm) when UV radiation is strongest.

If you have fair skin or live in a hot climate where there are many sunny days per year (like Arizona), it can be difficult not to get some sun exposure every day - but try! The best thing we can do for our health is keep our bodies protected by avoiding too much time in direct sunlight as much as possible while still getting enough vitamin D through food sources like milk or supplements

2) Stress

Daily stress (Image via Unsplash/ Engin A)
Daily stress (Image via Unsplash/ Engin A)

Stress is a major cause of aging. When you're stressed out, your body releases a hormone called cortisol that helps you deal with the situation at hand (like running away from an angry bear). However, when this happens frequently over time it can lead to problems like high blood pressure and heart disease.

Stress also ages your skin because it causes inflammation, which is one of the main causes of wrinkles and other signs of aging on your face.

Research has shown that people who are under constant stress tend to age faster than those who live less stressful lives--and there's no reason why this wouldn't apply in our furry friends as well!

3) Smoking

Avoid smoking (Image via Unsplash/ Reza M)
Avoid smoking (Image via Unsplash/ Reza M)

Smoking is a major cause of aging. The nicotine in cigarettes causes wrinkles, and smoking can make your skin look older than it really is. It also causes yellowing of teeth, which can give you an older appearance when you smile or laugh.

If that wasn't enough, smoking has been linked to lung cancer (and other health problems).

4) Unhealthy eating habits

Poor eating habits (Image via unsplash/ Andres S)
Poor eating habits (Image via unsplash/ Andres S)

You can also help slow down the aging process by avoiding unhealthy eating habits. Here are some of the things you might want to cut out or limit:

  • Sugar - Sugar is everywhere. It's in your cereal, bread, pasta sauce...the list goes on. And while there's nothing wrong with having a few pieces of candy here and there, eating too much sugar can lead to weight gain (which has been linked to aging) as well as type 2 diabetes.
  • Soda and other processed beverages containing high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). These drinks are full of empty calories that don't provide any nutritional value for your body; they just cause you to gain weight and make it harder for your heart to work properly over time.
  • Trans fats from partially hydrogenated oils found in cookies, cakes and other baked goods made with shortening. Eating trans fats increases inflammation throughout the body.

5) Alcohol

Drinking alcohol is harmful (Image via Unsplash/ Will Stewart)
Drinking alcohol is harmful (Image via Unsplash/ Will Stewart)

Alcohol is a depressant, which means that it slows down your body's functions. This can lead to liver damage, memory loss and weight gain. It also increases your risk for heart disease.

If you're concerned about early ageing and maintaining good health into old age, the best way to do so is by avoiding alcohol altogether. At least limiting yourself to one drink per day (if at all).

What’s more, alcohol can cause you to make bad decisions. One drink may not seem like much, but it can impair your judgment and cause you to do things that you would never normally consider doing.

Aging is caused by a number of things, but you can help yourself by avoiding some of the most common ones

You can't stop ageing, but you can slow it down. This is because a number of things cause your body to age and the only way to avoid them is by living a healthy lifestyle.

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