Remedies for a runny nose: 5 effective home remedies that work

There are several home remedies for a runny nose. (Photo via Pexels/cottonbro studio)
There are several home remedies for a runny nose. (Photo via Pexels/cottonbro studio)

Remedies for a runny nose generally depend on its underlying cause. But certain home-based treatments such as hot baths, hot drinks, and hot steam inhalations can be the most effective ways to reduce annoying symptoms.

Before we dive into natural cures for a runny nose, however, let’s take a look at its major causes.

What are the causes of a runny nose?

A runny nose is mainly caused by mucus production in nasal passages, which keeps on discharging water. This usually happens due to inflammation and congestion of sinuses and nasal passages and is often caused by the common cold, allergies, cold weather, or other causes.

Common cold is a major cause for a runny nose. (Photo via Pexels/Towfiqu barbhuiya)
Common cold is a major cause for a runny nose. (Photo via Pexels/Towfiqu barbhuiya)

While a runny nose isn’t a cause for concern, if not treated at the right time, it can worsen your condition and lead to more serious symptoms.

Fortunately, there are some natural remedies for a runny nose that you can easily do at home without involving medications.

Read on to learn about a few of the most effective at-home remedies that may help manage a runny nose.

5 most effective remedies for a runny nose

Here are some of the best home remedies for a runny nose that you must surely try:

1. Drink hot tea

Some teas such as ginger, chamomile, or mint tea contain herbs that work as mild decongestants. These herbs have antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties that ease nose blockage and help manage your runny nose.

Consuming hot tea can open up your blocked airways and prevent congestion-causing symptoms. It can calm the inflammation of your throat and nose as well. Various studies suggest that drinking hot tea or beverages can help reduce the symptoms of a cold.

2. Take a facial steam

You can also get rid of a runny nose by taking facial steam. It can help loosen mucus and ease inflammation in your nose.

For facial steam, place your face about eight to 10 inches above a pot of hot water and cover your face with a towel or any other cloth. Close your eyes and take long, deep breaths through your nose for about five minutes. Once done, blow your nose to get rid of all the mucus. Repeat the remedy at least three times a day.

To make facial steam even more effective, you can add a few drops of decongestant essential oils such as rosemary oil, eucalyptus oil, or thyme oil to the steam water.

A facial steam can ease symptoms of a runny nose. (Photo via Pexels/Pavel Danilyuk)
A facial steam can ease symptoms of a runny nose. (Photo via Pexels/Pavel Danilyuk)

3. Use a warm compress

Using a warm compress is also among some of the most useful remedies for a runny nose. Applying a warm cloth to your nose and forehead a few times a day can potentially ease sinus pressure and ease irritating symptoms of a runny nose. A warm compress increases blood circulation in the sinus area and helps loosen nasal stiffness.

To make a warm compress, simply soak a clean cloth in hot water and put the cloth across your forehead for a few seconds. Repeat a few times a day to see improvements.

4. Use a nasal spray

Nasal sprays are one of the best remedies for a runny nose. They target mucus and nasal congestion and offer quick relief. Other than medicated nasal sprays, you can also use saline nasal sprays as a more natural way to cure a runny nose.

Several studies suggest that using a saline nasal spray can improve symptoms of upper respiratory infections. These include nasal congestion and a runny nose.

5. Eat spicy food

While consuming spicy food can worsen the symptoms of a runny nose, it can certainly help if you have nasal congestion. Try adding hot spices like ghost pepper, ginger, cayenne pepper, and wasabi to your meals and consume them at least once a day.

If you can’t handle the heat, opt for capsaicin-containing nasal sprays.

Eating spicy food is an effective remedy for a runny nose. (Photo via Pexels/Los Muertos Crew)
Eating spicy food is an effective remedy for a runny nose. (Photo via Pexels/Los Muertos Crew)

When to consult a doctor?

If the aforementioned remedies for a runny nose don’t improve your condition or get worse over time, then it may be a good idea to seek medical attention.

Keep in mind that a runny nose isn’t a cause for concern, however, in some cases, it can lead to certain acute or chronic conditions such as rhinitis.

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