Suffering from hypertension? Avoid these 8 high-sodium foods

Suffering from hypertension?Avoid high-sodium foods (Image by Mockup Graphics/Unsplash)
Suffering from hypertension? Avoid high-sodium foods (Image by Mockup Graphics/Unsplash)

If you are suffering from hypertension, then the doctor must have advised you already to stay away from high-sodium foods. A pinch of salt contains a whole lot of sodium and this can be the reason why you’re in a soup! This mineral is a part of a lot of foods we consume daily. We need it in large amounts to balance and distribute water within our bodies.

Other than water distribution, sodium also plays an important role in balancing the electrolytes and regulating proper blood pressure. Excess of this mineral can lead to delirium, high BP, and even coma or death in rare cases. So keep yourself calm and healthy by avoiding high-sodium foods.

Here's a look at the foods you need to avoid:

High-sodium foods to avoid

1. Pizza

Pizza comes under high-sodium foods (Image by Shourav Shekh/Unsplash)
Pizza comes under high-sodium foods (Image by Shourav Shekh/Unsplash)

Whether you are having a pepperoni or a margarita, it does not matter. Pizza comes under high-sodium foods. There are a lot of ingredients that go into making a pizza. This includes cheese, meat, sauce, tomatoes, and mayonnaise and the list does not end. All these ingredients contain sodium individually. Adding up all the sodium can leave you shocked. It is very unhealthy to consume this mineral in high amounts.

Limit yourself to a slice or two. This is a comfort food and there are a lot of healthy food options available. Make yourself a healthy pizza at home by searching for recipes with low sodium to keep your BP low.

Sacrificing pizza can be your first step to reducing your blood pressure.

2. Salami and Sausages

Avoid salami or processed meat (Image by Frank Zhang/Unsplash)
Avoid salami or processed meat (Image by Frank Zhang/Unsplash)

Salami and sausages can be your next salad dressing. It can be the patty to your next hamburger or sandwich. But these come under frozen foods. They contain a lot of preservatives, chemicals, and high amounts of sodium. We try to save our time by finding these at the supermarket for our next house party or dinner.

These so cold fast and easy-to-cook foods can be the reason why you have health issues like obesity and high blood pressure. Stop these immediately and switch to fresh and healthier meat alternatives. To save time, do not compromise on quality and health.

3. Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is high in sodium (Image by Megumi Nachev/Unsplash)
Cottage cheese is high in sodium (Image by Megumi Nachev/Unsplash)

This cheese is often used as a topping. There is a lot of sodium in this product which acts as a preservative and makes its shelf life more. This mineral also adds to its taste. You can use this cheese as toppings to eat with biscuits, and fruits or with salad and even as a dip. These days with a rise in cafe culture among teens, cottage cheese is an overly consumed product.

There are rarely any versions of it which have low sodium content. So it’s better to abstain from it or eat it in moderate amounts.

4. Hot Dog

Do you like hotdogs? (Image by Ball Park Brand/Unsplash)
Do you like hotdogs? (Image by Ball Park Brand/Unsplash)

A hot dog is a popular snack option made with a sliced bun and the meat of your choice. You can add veggies and the sauce of your choice too. But the veggies in it do not make it healthy. There is sodium in the beef or mutton patty or sausage you want to include in your hotdog. The hot dog has high levels of this mineral and also unhealthy fats. Do not have it if you have high BP issues.

5. Pancakes

Pancakes come under high-sodium foods (image by Sultan Abdulrazzaq/Unsplash)
Pancakes come under high-sodium foods (image by Sultan Abdulrazzaq/Unsplash)

Despite being consumed for breakfast because of its high calorific value, pancakes come under high-sodium foods. They are topped with sugar or maple syrup plus butter, making them high in fats and sugar too. That makes it unhealthy.

Unmoderated consumption of pancakes can lead to obesity and heart disease other than high blood pressure.

6. Sauce

Tomato sauce has a lot of sodium (Image by Dennis Klein/Unsplash)
Tomato sauce has a lot of sodium (Image by Dennis Klein/Unsplash)

Sauces come under high-sodium foods. We might not realize that because of its liquid form. We use sauces with our favorite snacks or fries as dips. Even our favorite tomato sauce contains a lot of sodium. There are products with less of this mineral but they are hard to find and are usually very expensive.

Try and have less sauce next time you use it as a dip. Check the label on the sauce bottle if you want to know the nutritional values and consume wisely.

7. Canned foods

Canned fish comes under high-sodium foods (Image by Ignat Kushanrev/Unsplash)
Canned fish comes under high-sodium foods (Image by Ignat Kushanrev/Unsplash)

They are popular versions of ready-to-cook or eat foods. You can see canned fish or canned meat and vegetables on supermarket shelves. Because of attractive prices and shelf life, we tend to purchase them more often. But did you know that excess sodium is used in the process of canning these foods?

Try and have healthier alternatives. Buy fish or meat from the daily market where you’ll get them fresh and preservative-free. Do not let high-sodium foods like these increase your blood pressure and take your life away.

8. Salted nuts

Eat unsalted nuts (Image by Maddi Bazzocco/Unsplash)
Eat unsalted nuts (Image by Maddi Bazzocco/Unsplash)

By the name, you will know the presence of sodium in these nuts. Although nuts are healthy when consumed daily in moderation, salted nuts have high levels of sodium. Almonds, cashews, and peanuts are often found under the salted category. If you have high blood pressure, refrain from having them. Have raw nuts or unsalted ones.

If you are suffering from high blood pressure, stay away from high-sodium foods. Look for healthier alternatives. Keep your daily sodium intake in check. Check your blood pressure levels daily. Go to a healthcare professional for more insights on this.

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