Swap sugar with jaggery and boost your overall health

Jaggery Vs Sugar (Image via Freepik)
Jaggery vs Sugar (Image via Freepik)

Jaggery vs Sugar has been a long-run debate in the wellness industry. There are various claims and science-backed facts about which is a healthier version of sugar, but many still worry if they should opt for these substitutes.

Sugar is highly known for its processed nature and can cause adverse health effects. In contrast, jaggery or 'gur' is considered to be pure and a natural sweetener and unrefined in nature.

So, does that really makes gur a healthier alternative to sugar? Studies show that it's jam-packed with a lot of vital nutrients which are essential to the human body. So the next time when you crave sweets think of jaggery.

Nutritional value

Nutritonal value comaprision (Image via Freepik)
Nutritonal value comaprision (Image via Freepik)

While we compare the nutritional value of both, jaggery gets more points for being highly nutritious in nature.

It contains high-quality minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorous and magnesium along with small traces of vitamins. All these minerals are often lost during the long industrial process of refining the sugar.

Gur or 'Panela' retains some of the fibers that can be found naturally in sugarcane, which is good for digestion and overall gut health. Due to its low glycemic index than sugar, it doesn't cause a sudden spike in your blood sugar level.

Natural vs Processed

Consume moderately (Image via Freepik)
Consume moderately (Image via Freepik)

The biggest edge that jaggery can have is due to its relatively unprocessed nature. When sugar is refined to remove impurities, many nutrients and minerals are stripped away. However, when gur is prepared by boiling the cane juice or palm sap, its natural state is retained.

There are minimal steps involved, so it does not lose its beneficial properties. So, it's important to note that even though 'Gur' is less processed, there are still some concentrated sources of sugar that should be consumed in moderation.

Is it healthy?

All the essential nutrients are lost during the refining process (Image via Unsplash / Myriam Zilles)
All the essential nutrients are lost during the refining process (Image via Unsplash / Myriam Zilles)

Gur is also known for its antioxidant properties, thanks to the presence of certain plant compounds like polyphenols and flavonoids.

These antioxidants are essential, as they can help fight various free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. In comparison, refined sugars do not have these helpful compounds, as they're washed away during the refining process.

How much should you consume?

Both contain sucrose. (Image via Unsplash/Jason)
Both contain sucrose. (Image via Unsplash/Jason)

In terms of caloric content, both gur and sugar have similar energy values. They contain approximately four calories per gram.

Therefore, it's important not to have more jaggery in the name of sugar substitutes, as it will still contribute to weight gain and health-related issues.

Is jaggery better than sugar?

In the debate of jaggery versus sugar, the choice eventually comes down to personal preference and the individual's health goals.

While gur does provide some minerals, slower energy release and antioxidants that refined sugar lacks, it's important to remember that it's still a form of sugar, so it should be consumed in moderation.

If you have diabetes or are watching your blood sugar level, gur may be a better option due to its lower glycemic index. However, if weight management is a concern, overall sugar consumption should be limited, regardless of the type.

Eventually, the key to a healthy diet lies in consuming moderately and always making a conscious choice that meets your personal goals.

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