Top 6 Exercises to Get Ripped Like ‘The Rock’

"The Rock" workout. (Image via Instagram/Dwayne Johnson)
"The Rock"'s workout (Image via Instagram/Dwayne Johnson)

The Rock, also popularly known as Dwayne Johnson, is renowned worldwide due to his ripped physique and action skills.

The Rock has inspired millions by sharing his grueling workout on social media. His exercises can help you gain muscle mass along with increasing strength in the body.

His workouts are certainly not for beginners, as they can leave you in splits in no time.

Best Exercises to Get Ripped Like The Rock

We've curated a list of six exercises that can help you to get ripped like The Rock. Let's get started:

1) Dumbbell Walking Lunge

It's one of the best exercises to help you get you ripped like The Rock by building your leg muscles. This exercise can help in boosting the power and strength of the lower body along with enhancing the body's functional fitness.


How to do the exercise?

  • Start in a tall standing position while clutching dumbbells in both palms, with your palms angled along the sides of the body.
  • While maintaining a straight posture, take one wide step forward before bending your knees and lunging down.
  • Bring your foot back to the starting position, and swap sides to repeat.

2) Seated Cable Row

It can help you to get ripped like The Rock, thanks to its compound movements that can help build the muscles of your forearms and back. This exercise can also help prevent back pain along with developing strength in the body.


How to do the exercise?

  • Assume a straight seated position, with your face on the cable machine, abdominals braced, and hands outstretched.
  • Drive the handle to your lower abdominal muscles without using the momentum of the row. Make sure the back is straight while squeezing your shoulder blades together, keeping your chest lifted.
  • While maintaining tension in your body, reverse the movement. Repeat.

3) Incline Barbell Bench Press

It can help you to get a ripped body like The Rock by helping you build muscle mass in the chest and building better muscle symmetry in the upper body. This exercise can also help in strengthening the triceps.


How to do the exercise?

  • Adjust the bench at a setting of about 30-45 degrees.
  • Position yourself flat on the bench while clutching the bar, with your hands shoulder-distance apart.
  • Position the bar right over your chest, with your arms extended and palms angled upwards. The hands should be right above your shoulders.
  • Slowly bring the bar to your chest before driving it straight above. Repeat.

4) Hack Squat

They're a good exercise to work on the lower body and boost the body's strength.


How to do the exercise?

  • Begin by stepping onto the machine, with your feet apart at shoulder distance, while your back and shoulders are pressed against the pads.
  • Gently release the safety handles of the machine before lowering it down till your knees are bent at 90 degrees.
  • Hold before standing back up by straightening your legs. Repeat.

5) EZ Bar Preacher Curl

It can help in sculpting and strengthening the biceps along with improving muscle definition in the upper body.


How to do the exercise?

  • Sit on the preacher bench with its height adjusted to your armpits.
  • Grasp the EZ bar in both palms with an underhand grip, with your upper arms on the bench and arms extended to the front.
  • Curl the EZ bar to bring the weight to your shoulders before reversing the movement. Repeat.

6) Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

It can help you get a ripped body like The Rock by engaging the core, hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. This exercise can also work the entire posterior chain.


How to do the exercise?

  • Start in a straight standing position with your feet hip-distance apart and knees slightly bent.
  • Clutch the dumbbells in both palms, and position them in front of the hips, with your palms angled to your thighs.
  • Keeping the spine neutral, squeeze your shoulders, and lower the dumbbells to the ground by driving your hips to the back and keeping the dumbbells close to the body. Repeat.

Bottom Line

The aforementioned exercises are some of the best ones that can help you get ripped like “The Rock” in no time.

These exercises can help in building greater muscle symmetry, sculpting a toned body, boosting muscle gain, and improving strength. They can not only get you ripped but also help in enhancing your overall fitness.

However, beginners should start with lighter weights and easier exercises to avoid injuries.

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