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  • WWE NXT Live Results: NXT Updates & Highlights (25th January 2022) - Grimes to battle Melo; Ciampa returns to back up Breakker against Legado.

WWE NXT Live Results: NXT Updates & Highlights (25th January 2022) - Grimes to battle Melo; Ciampa returns to back up Breakker against Legado.

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedJan 26, 2022 03:13 GMT

What does Gunther have in store for the NXT Universe?


03:13 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

03:12 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Full Results for NXT 2.0, 25th January 2022.
MSK defeats Jacket Time by pin.
Solo Sikoa defeats Boa by pin.
Duke Hudson defeats Guru Raaj by pin.
Persia Pirotta/Indi Hartwell/Kay Lee Ray defeat Toxic Attraction by pin.
Io Shirai defeats Tiffany Stratton by pin.
GYV defeats Chase U by pin
Cameron Grimes defeats Tony D'Angelo by pin.

03:09 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

03:09 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

It was a cricket bat. Sorry for not noticing. My American mind is used to hockey sticks and baseball bats.

03:08 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

03:08 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

To close the show, we see Bron Breakker leaving the arena. An interviewer asks him about a potential partner, but before he can answer, an SUV rolls up to him. It's Legado Del Fantasma, and they're ready to drop Bron 3-on-1. Before they can utilize the numbers game, Tommaso Ciampa shows up to sort of even the odds. Bron says "3 on 2 - yeah that math works out." 

03:05 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Tony lands a modified T-Bone Suplex for a close call. Grimes goes for a move but stumbles. He eventually lands a moonsault and a running knee. He hits a flying crossbody for a two-count. Grimes sets up for the Cave-In, but D'Angelo rolls out of the ring. While the ref's back is turned, Pete Dunne shows up to blast Tony D with a weapon. He slides back into the ring only to be hit with the Cave-In.
Result - Cameron Grimes defeats Tony D'Angelo by pin.

03:02 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

D'Angelo has control over Grimes as we come back from the ad break. Grimes counters out and lands some kicks. D'Angelo evades on and lands a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. He goes for his Fisherman's Buster, but Grimes counters out. They exchange some strikes until Grimes hits his flying bodyslam for a near fall.

02:56 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Grimes lands a Soccer Kick while Tony is on the outside. Tony counters with a belly-to-side slam before working Grimes in the corner. He sends Grimey out of the ring after sending him into the turnbuckle. As Tony goes out of the ring to throw Grimes back in, we see how narrow the space is between the ring and the ringside plexi. It's like independent show narrow.

02:54 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

02:53 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Before the main event, Tiffany Stratton is complaining to her father about the "incompetence" of the refs in NXT 2.0. She runs into Wendy Choo and slaps the cup out of her hands. Choo says she isn't a freak, she's just comfy after Stratton called the place "full of freaks."

02:47 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Ollie Jayy ain't got nothing on Poppy. BRING BACK THE OG POPPY!!!!!

02:46 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

All I understand was she said, "yeah that's what I does." So I guess NXT 2.0 means bad grammar is acceptable What would Andre Chase say . . .

02:45 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

02:45 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Some singer named Ollie Jayy (stole the two ys from Anna Jayy) sings the NXT 2.0 theme. It happened.

02:44 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Stratton looked better in her second match, but going against Io will do that. We cut back to the Diamond Mine. Malcolm Bivens mocks Gunther's new name. He says the Creeds will win the Dusty Cup. It sets up a six-man tag match for next week. The Creeds call Imperium a bunch of "European Pretty Boys." At least they don't have lisps like Julius Creed.

02:42 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Stratton hits some flips and handsprings into the corner with Shirai in it. Shirai recovers and decks Stratton in the face before landing a Meteora in the corner. She hits a slam and lands her signature moonsault for the win.
Result - Io Shirai defeats Tiffany Stratton by pin.

02:40 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Wade and Vic have said "pillars of NXT" at least three times in this match.

02:40 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Both women counter in and out of some armlocks early on. Io falls out of the ring and is frustrated. She immediately comes back in and pancakes Tiffany. She hits a wind-up basement dropkick for a near fall. Shirai locks in a neck lock but Stratton breaks it with a rope grab. She then locks Shirai in a sitting Million Dollar Dream lock.

02:37 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Up next is Tiffany Stratton taking on Io Shirai. I get the confidence but, no, rich girl.

02:33 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

02:32 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Grayson Waller cuts a promo directed at LA Knight. He says he'll have to respect the restraining order AND go through his bodyguard first. I think he called him Sanga, but I could be wrong.

02:30 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

After the match, Von Wagner shows up to attack Bodhi and Andre. He hits an Olympic Slam and then a suplex on Chase. After that, Robert Stone gets in the ring and hands Wagner a suit jacket. Stone says that Wagner has been reinstated and is under new management.

02:29 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Chase hits a lot of counters to get the tag to Bodhi. Off the hot tag, Bodhi knocks Drake off the apron. He hits a bunch of moves, including a power slam and some burpee-esque slams. Gibson hits Bodhi in the throat with a chop and he then knocks Chase off the apron. GYV hits a variation of their finisher, which looked like a tandem Codebreaker, for the win.
Result - GYV defeat Chase U (Andre Chase/Bodhi Hayward) by pin to advance in Dusty Cup.

02:26 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Chase drops Drake with the signature Dusty elbow drops and hip shake. Zack Gibson hits a blind tag unbeknownst to Chase. Gibby pulls the ropes down, causing Chase to stumble out. GYV then hits a spike Tombstone on the outside.

02:25 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

I still love how Chase wrestles in a sweater and dress pants while GYV is in wrestling trunks. Chase starts off against Drake but Drake works the arm of Chase. The crowd is really into Chase U, especially after Andre has the crowd sound out the letters of Chase U after he stomps Drake. Bodhi and Chase exchange a bunch of quick tags. Bodhi gets a near fall and tags Chase in. He jumps off the top rope with an axehandle to Drake's arm. 

02:22 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Before the last Dusty Cup match, we get another attempt from Cora Jade to recruit Raquel Gonzalez for the Dusty Cup. It fails.

02:19 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Even though Toxic Attraction lost, we all win cuz Gigi Dolin is back.

02:18 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

02:17 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Mailk Blade and Edris Enofe cut a pretty hilarious promo about their intentions in the Dusty Cup. They say they're shooting for the win and the tag team titles while also thinking they'll ask Toxic Attraction out. Edris says one can ask Mandy out and the other can ask both Gigi and Jacy out. Blade says that he's seen Enofe's Instagram where he poses like a model. The promo ends with Enofe doing the pec dance with Blade shaking his head. These guys are easy to root for.

02:14 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

KLR gets her bat from outside the ring and she chases Rose around. She hits the steel steps and ring post after swinging for Mandy.KLR chases Rose to the back, leaving Pirotta and Dolin in the match. Persia goes for a suplex but Gigi counters into a two count. Pirotta lands a kick on Gigi and then hits a spinning F5 slam for the win.
Result - KLR, Persia Pirotta, and Indi Hartwell defeat Toxic Attraction by pin.

02:12 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Rose has control over Indi as we return from the commercial. She tags Jayne in and she lands a spinning forearm to the chest of Indi and a neck breaker for a near fall. The two ladies exchange a few chops before dropping each other with a kick to each woman. Persia and Gigi are tagged in, and Persia lands a Snake Eyes and a slam. Jayne breaks up the pin attempt and then all three women come in one at a time. It leaves Rose and KLR.

02:07 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

02:06 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

TA uses a distraction to turn the tides as Indi is in peril. Jayne gets a near fall and then tags Gigi in. She hits a few kicks before tagging the Champ in. Rose drops Indi with an elbow to the back. Rose gets countered into the face corner and she knocks KLR off the apron. Both women are down after Jayne tries to stop Indi from tagging in. Rose pulls Persia off the apron as Indi attempts a tag. Gigi comes in and hits a question mark kick on Indi for a near fall.

02:04 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Indi brings Rose over to her corner and in comes Persia. She tries to drag Mandy over by the foot so KLR can tag in but Rose evades her for a few. KLR catches the Champ and knocks her outside. The two teams meet in front of the announce table as KLR lands a Cannonball off the top She tosses Rose back in the ring but is distracted by Gigi. Rose tags Jayne in, much to the chagrin of KLR. KLR tags Persia in and then Indi.

02:02 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Mandy starts off with Persia, but Rose says she wants KLR. She immediately retreats once the fiery Scot enters the ring. Rose tags Jacy Jayne in. KLR tags in Indi and Indi lands some offense. Indi goes for a suplex but Jayne counters out and sends Indi to TA's corner. Gigi tags in and lands a few chops. She tags Mandy in and Mandy hits a suplex. She pushes KLR off the apron but almost gets rolled up.

01:59 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Mack Mitchell interviews Legado and Wilde and Mendoza are enraged. Escobar says that Bron will have to fight BOTH Wilde and Mendoza unless he can find a partner.

01:57 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

01:55 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

01:54 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Up next is six-women action as Toxic Attraction takes on Persia Pirotta, Indi Hartwell, and Kay Lee Ray.

01:53 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

After the match, Dante Chen comes out and says he'll give Duke the respect that wasn't given to him last week. He says "here I come" quickly before fighting. The refs break them up before Duke hits Dante in his injured knee. We cut to Mac Mitchell interviewing Persia and Indi. They state their intentions to the Dusty Cup. Kay Lee Ray walks up and they all put Toxic Attraction on noitce.

01:51 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Duke Hudson takes on poor Guru Raaj, who he attacked last week. Hudson drops Raaj with a big boot and immediately mounts him. He bludgeons him with strikes before throwing him in the corner and doing the same. Hudson lands a sidewalk slam and a Razor's Edge for the quick win.
Result - Duke Hudson defeats Guru Raaj by pin.

01:49 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Imperium cuts a promo saying that they are closing the door on the past and opening it to a new future. They say they'll rule this NXT with Gunther. 

01:45 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

01:45 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

01:43 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Two matches so far, and both delivered. 

01:43 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Sikoa sends Boa head-first through all of the chairs set up in the corners. He lands a superkick before going for the Splash. Boa knocks him off the turnbuckle and sends Solo into the announce table. Solo counters with a Samoan Drop onto the announce desk. Sikoa places Boa onto the table and hits the splash off the turnbuckle for the win.
Result - Solo Sikoa defeats Boa by pin.

01:41 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Boa sets Solo up against the metal garage door and lands a kick to the chest. He opens a door to the outside and sends Solo out. He tries to go out but it's blocked. He hoists up the metal door and Solo hits him with a fire extinguisher. The combatants head back to the ring area as Solo hits Boa with a chair. 

01:39 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

01:39 (GMT)26 JAN 2022

Boa sets the table up right near the announce table, but Solo meets him at the table. They battle into the back as Solo grabs a chair and hits Boa over the back with it. Boa throws Sikoa into some backstage ladders. He hits Solo in the midsection again but misses when he tries to drive it into Sikoa against the garage door. Sikoa puts the ladder against Boa and hits a shoulder block into it. 
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