'Fast & Furious Spy Racers: Homecoming' ending explained: Does Dom join the crew to take out the cyborg? (Spoilers)

Netflix's Fast & Furious Spy Racers: Homecoming (Image via Netflix)
Netflix's Fast & Furious Spy Racers: Homecoming (Image via Netflix)

Fast & Furious Spy Racers: Homecoming marked the end of the franchise on a spectacular note, with the Torettos coming together to save the day.

The sixth season of the show revolves around the aftermath of DANN's capture. A similar AI is out to exact vengeance and on a mission to destroy the whole of LA.

In this article, we dissect and understand the ending of Netflix's Fast & Furious Spy Racers: Homecoming.

Analyzing the end of 'Fast & Furious Spy Racers: Homecoming'


Fast & Furious Spy Racers: Homecoming marks the end of the animated series. This season, the gang faces off against DANN, a cyborg with a wish to blow up Los Angeles. In the final episode, titled "Say Goodbye to Hollywood: Part 2," the gang almost believes that everything bad has come to an end and they can finally breathe easy. This happens when Echo takes DANN back to subdue, while the others go for a movie screening to see Cisco in action.

It was amazing to see Dom join in and be proud of his cousin Tony. However, Echo realizes that DANN's AI is similar to the one they were using to destroy the cyborg. This causes it to take over and program the other super-soldiers who are now determined to destroy all of LA. Echo manages to get a hold of Tony and Layla just in time.

Meanwhile, the first explosion triggers a massive earthquake, which nearly destroys the theater where the rest of the gang was headed. As Dom has stepped in to help, Frostee has to figure out a way to destroy the AIs. He quickly realizes that he needs to use an EMP to wipe out all the super soldiers' current programming, and right before the reboot, add his own code and rewire them.

Having little time to waste, the gang manages to pull this off in the middle of the freeway, saving LA. But as the bomb is activated, Tony risks his life hauling it to an abandoned place to ensure that there are no casualties. He reunites with Dom but an enraged and injured DANN approaches them.

The Torettos then took the cyborg out as a team in Fast & Furious Spy Racers: Homecoming. In classic Fast & Furious style, the crew finally gets together for a barbeque, where they trick Layla into admitting that she truly believes that they are her new family. The series ends with Ms. Nowhere's wedding, as the gang jumps out of a plane to take on a cyborg.

Fast & Furious Spy Racers: Homecoming is now available to stream on Netflix.

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