In the second episode of "Oddvice," host Kristen McAtee addressed her breakup from Scotty Sire in 2020. Initially, in a YouTube video on the latter's channel addressing their relationship ending, the pair claimed they had "drifted apart."
"I never knew if when and if I wanted to talk about it publicly, and there's still so much I'm not going to talk about [about] my journey with the breakup, but I'm going to be vulnerable with you. Yeah, it did f***ing suck. Like I don't care what makes me look like..."
The entire second episode of the podcast focuses on breakups. Kristen McAtee claimed that she began reading outside gossip about her and Scotty Sire's breakup.
"It was weird to, kinda just reading other people's opinions on my reality and the way they would talk, it was like they were talking about a TV show, right? 'And oh my god, what happened here?' And like, 'did somebody cheat? Who cheated?' It started almost turning the narrative. I'm like, 'wait, did somebody cheat?' Because like to my knowledge to this day, I don't think he cheated on me."
McAtee also mentioned that Sire moved on quickly after their breakup. She said that she "was replaced" in the form of social media and thumbnails for YouTube videos.
Scotty Sire's current girlfriend makes a defense
The clip of Kristen McAtee and co-host Alex Koot was shared on TikTok by user diariesof4fatgirl. The caption read:
"PT 2: Kristen McAtee does not know if Scotty Sire cheated on her."
Scotty Sire's current girlfriend, Jac Anderson, commented under the clip to dispute the rumor of him cheating on Kristen McAtee during the end of their relationship.
"The first time I had an actual conversation with Scott was my birthday weekend (February 22). People want drama so bad, but there's just none here!"
Sire's YouTube video titled "we broke up" was posted on February 5, 2020. McAtee stated in the "Oddvice" podcast that the pair were still living together when they decided to break up to run out their lease on the home.
Scotty Sire has not commented on the legitimacy of the rumors or Jac Anderson's statement at this time. Kristen McAtee has not responded to the latter's claim as well.
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