On Friday, September 30, 2022, the White House saw Indian actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas interviewing US Vice President Kamala Harris. The monumental interview took place at the Democratic National Committee's Women's Leadership Forum, where Chopra and Vice President Harris discussed topics pertaining to women's empowerment.
The discussion at the DNC event also saw a mention of abortion rights from Vice President Kamala Harris as she spoke about the upcoming mid-term elections, which are expected to take place in November this year.
Priyanka Chopra, on the other hand spoke about her experience of being paid an equal wage for the first time in her career.
Kamala Harris shed light on November 8 mid-term elections at the DNC event
The session at the DNC event started with Priyanka Chopra's jab at men who look down upon women by mansplaining. She brought the audience's attention to the silence in the room and asked everyone at the Democratic National Committee's Women's Leadership Forum:
"Do you hear that sound? That is the sound of no mansplaining, ladies."
Interestingly, the Indian actress and Miss World 2000 shared that it was in 2022 that she received equal pay as her male co-star for the first time, after being in the industry for 22 years.
US VP Kamala Harris reminded everyone how adding two more senators from the Democratic Party through the November 8 mid-term elections can prove critical for bringing in change.
Her remarks seem to have come in the context of Roe v. Wade's landmark overturning, which was passed earlier this year in June. At the Democratic National Committee's Women's Leadership Forum, the US Vice President said:
"If there were ever any reason for this group to exist in recent memory, the moment is now. We have got to do everything we can in the next 39 days to remind people what is at stake in these elections."
Similar thoughts were shared by US President Joe Biden earlier in September, who promised that the Democrats would pass a law related to the right to abortion if two more Democratic Party senators get elected via the forthcoming mid-terms.
Currently, votes in the upper chamber of the United States Congress, the Senate, are evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats, apart from Kamala Harris' vote as the US Vice President. However, two senators from the Democratic Party are against ending the filibuster.
Thus, the addition of two votes from Democrats in the Senate will help the party reach the 60-vote majority mark after potentially removing the filibuster.