Jeopardy!, one of the most beloved American game shows, has managed to keep its audience invested since 1964. Highly engaging and rather unique, the show is perfect for anyone who likes trivia. Each episode usually features three contestants who compete with each other in the realm of general knowledge.
The 38-season run of Jeopardy! is testimony to its evergreen nature. Thousands of people across the globe await the gameshow every day. There is no doubt that the current season has pushed the show to new heights after the legendary streaks of Amy Schneider, Matt Amodio, and most recently Mattea Roach, whose 23-day streak ended just last week.
The final question of Jeopardy! is one of the primary things that viewers love about the show. Not only does this question follow a distinctive format and cover a wide range of topics from various fields, but it also encourages active audience participation. Guessing the final answer before the episode airs is an important ritual for fans of the show.
However, figuring out the correct answer can be challenging at times, especially if you are unfamiliar with the category. In case you looking for the answer to the final question for May 12, 2022, you have come to the right place.
Clue and solution to the May 12 Final Jeopardy!
The category for May 12 is "Constitutions of the World."
Clue: Amendments to its 1901 constitution require the approval of at least four states before receiving Royal Assent.
Solution: Australia.
Australia, a sovereign country, comprises the mainland of the Australian continent, Tasmania and other islands. It is the largest country in Oceania and the sixth-largest country in the world.
The Australian Constitution first became effective in 1901. At that time, four states were required to approve an amendment, alongside having a national majority, for it to get implemented.
The final round gives the participants a choice as to whether they want to participate or not. By winning the final round, participants can continue their streak to another day. If they lose, on the other hand, they will lose all the cash prize they had accumulated thus far. Players are more than welcome to bow out of the final round instead of risking what they earned.
The participants of this upcoming episode include returning champion Daniel Nguyen, management consultant Matt Petroff, and writer and test prep expert Charly Kuecks.
Make sure you tune into your local stations for another night of Jeopardy!.