Madagascar: A Little Wild, the prequel and spinoff of the beloved Madagascar films, is about to drop a new season. The kid-friendly series explores the exploits of a young Alex the lion, a young Marty the zebra, a young Melman the giraffe, and Gloria when she was a young hippo. This series shows their colorful life in Manhattan's Central Park Zoo where all of them are residents.
The DreamWorks animated series is co-produced by Johanna Stein and Dana Starfield. Since the series is geared toward a much younger audience, the executive directors took some liberty and deviated from establishing continuity with the previous films. Stein said:
"Our show exists on an alternate timeline from the movies. I was focused on the personalities and dynamics of our four main characters that the fans of the movies -- me included -- have come to love so much. I was also re-watching them to figure out how we would tell stories that embody the same comedy and heart as the movies, but for a younger audience, and in 22 minutes."
The series stars Tucker Chandler as Alex, Amir O’Neil as Marty, Shaylin Becton as Gloria, Luke Lowe as Melman, Eric Petersen as Ant’Ney, and Jasmine Gatewood as Kate.
All about Madagascar: A Little Wild Season 7
The upcoming season continues to follow the adventures of Alex, Marty, Melman, and Gloria as they continue to have each other's backs and follow their dreams. The new series will finally see Marty bagging a chance to become a Junior Ranger Zebra at the zoo. Melman is chosen to perform an original song for his favorite animal country star, and Gloria is appointed as the first-ever radio show host of the enclosure, while Alex tries out cooking, hoping to become a big-time celebrity chef.
The new season will also bring a host of guest stars, including Fortune Feimster as Manager Cow and Patrick Warburton as Ranger Hay. Watch the trailer of season 7 below.
When and where to watch the animated kid's series?
Madagascar: A Little Wild Season 7 will drop on April 4, 2022.
The Madagascar spinoff series is available to stream on either Peacock or Hulu. Most original content and specials streaming on Peacock are on the premium tier which comes for a subscription rate of $4.99. Peacock has a premium ad-free subscription for $9.99 per month too. Hulu costs $6.99 for a monthly subscription.
Catch Madagascar: A Little Wild tomorrow on April 4, 2022, on Hulu and Peacock.