Zombies 3 premiered on Disney+ on July 15, 2022, bringing back the story of Seabrook's multi-dimensional residents, including a diverse community of zombies, werewolves, and humans. In the latest edition of the acclaimed film, the residents of the not-so-quiet town are joined by aliens from outer space, dragging the story in an entirely different direction.
The vastly enjoyable watch followed the quest of the aliens who had come to earth after their home was destroyed. Led by A-spen (Terry Hu), the aliens were on a quest to find the most valuable object in Seabrook - directions to a utopian planet left behind by an alien explorer.
While the entire premise was geared towards their search for the prized possession, the ultimate twist in the tale revealed a lot more about human/alien nature when referring to what is "most valuable."
Read on to decipher the lessons Zombies 3 left viewers with.
Zombies 3 asks an important question: What do you consider the most valuable?
The film revealed a big secret about Addison (Meg Donnelly): It turned out that the alien explorer was none other than Addison's grandmother, which made Addison part alien. Knowing this, Addison tried her best to help the aliens find the most valuable object in Seabrook.
While they started with the Moonstone, they later pinpointed the cheerleading trophy as the most valuable object. In the closing moments, after the aliens embarked on the ship to leave the earth along with Addison, they discovered that the trophy was not the most valuable object either.
This is when Addison realized that the most valuable thing in Seabrook may not be an object at all. The explorer was her grandmother, and Addison was the most valuable thing in the world for her. Though her grandmother was an alien, Addison realized that her heart beat the same way as the rest of the humans, and for her too, her family was her greatest treasure.
The filmmaker drew a clever parallel between racism and classism by depicting how love for one another is much more valuable than any material object, even for a species that we don't consider our equal in any way. The fabled moonstone or the much-envied trophy was nothing compared to the love that people shared with each other.
It also depicted how Addison's grandmother left her with the responsibility to guide the alien species to a new utopian home, which in the end turned out to be Seabrook itself. It was never about a place where everyone would be peaceful. It was about a place where everyone would find peace despite it not being peaceful.
Zombies 3 review: Socially aware and relatable
The film also depicted a hoard of other things, including acceptance and equal treatment. It is commendable how Zombies 3 blended important social metaphors in the teenage-oriented fantasy premise. This is perhaps one of the biggest wins of the film.
By ascertaining the peaceful coexistence of aliens, humans, zombies, and werewolves in the small town of Seabrook, the film made an important statement about community and inclusivity.
Zombies 3 is now streaming on Disney+. The previous two parts of the film are also available on the same streaming destination.