Astra agent contract guide in Valorant

Valorant Patch 2.04 Astra Image by Riot Games
Valorant Patch 2.04 Astra Image by Riot Games

With the latest patch 2.04, Valorant is launching the second act of its Episode 2 Formation and is introducing the latest agent Astra to the roster.

With Episode 2 Formation Act 2, Valorant balances competitive matchmaking, introduces the new Prime 20 Weapon skin bundle, and includes a lot of quality of life improvements. The Episode 2 Act 2 battle pass also introduces 3 new weapon collections, including the third iteration of the prism-type skin in the form of the Prism III weapon skin set. The most exciting part of the new Episode 2 Act 2 is the introduction of Valorant’s latest agent, Astra.

Astra is the first controller-type agent to join the Valorant roster post-launch. She is a Radiant, originating from the country of Ghana. Fans are excited to play as and against Astra in Valorant.

Astra agent contract in Valorant

Astra is the new controller type agent originating from Ghana. Like every other agent, Astra also has a 2 chapter contract, each with 5 episodes. Astra’s agent contract is as follows:

Chapter 1

Astra Contract VALORANT Astra Player Card Image by Riot Games
Astra Contract VALORANT Astra Player Card Image by Riot Games
  • Tier 1 - Galaxy Brain Spray (20,000 XP)
  • Tier 2 - VALORANT Astra Player Card (30,000 XP)
  • Tier 3 - Stellar Player Title (40,000 XP)
  • Tier 4 - Astral Plane Spray (50,000 XP)
  • Tier 5 - Astra Agent Unlock (60,000 XP)

Chapter 2

Astra Contract Cosmic Origin Player Cards
Astra Contract Cosmic Origin Player Cards
  • Tier 6 - Stardust Gun Buddy (75,000 XP)
  • Tier 7 - Astra Spray (1,00,000 XP)
  • Tier 8 - Infinite Player Title (1,25,000 XP)
  • Tier 9 - Cosmic Origin Player Card (1,50,000 XP)
  • Tier 10 - Eclipse Weapon Skin(1,75,000 XP)
Astra Contract Eclipse Weapon Skin Image by Riot Games
Astra Contract Eclipse Weapon Skin Image by Riot Games

Players are excited for Astra to join. With her abilities, Astra is a departure from the traditional Valorant controller gameplay.

Astra joins the Valorant roster with the introduction of Episode 2 Formation: Act 2, in patch 2.04.

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