Valorant creative director talks about Radiant origins and possible Star Wars influence

The lore behind Valorant Radiant was possibly influenced by Star Wars Image by Riot Games
The lore behind Valorant Radiant was possibly influenced by Star Wars Image by Riot Games

Valorant creative director David Nottingham, in a recent podcast with popular lore enthusiast Cynprel, revealed new information regarding the powers of a Radiant.

The podcast was hosted on Cynprel’s twitch channel, and it can be watched here.


In the podcast, David Nottingham talked about many interesting tidbits about his journey in League of Legends, the early days of his career, and new lore information regarding Valorant.

The power of a Valorant Radiant

One of the first questions Cynprel asked David Nottingham is about a certain Voice line of Omen in Valorant, where he hints that Skye isn’t using her full power.

The line reads, "There is a terrible beast inside you, Skye. Unleash it," might indicate that Skye isn’t utilizing her full potential. Fans have speculated about what Omen could mean by the term “terrible beast”.

When asked about the quote, David Nottingham explained that the power of a Radiant grows with the utilization and control over their abilities.

He said :

some people have the power that might be volatile and they need to learn to control, others it might be a small ability but if tapped into, it can become more powerful.

He drew a comparison to the popular science-fiction franchise Star Wars, and how the power of a Jedi grows as he trains from a padawan to a master. A young padawan may only be able to perform simpler Control type abilities. However, as he trains through the ranks of Jedi Knight all the way to Master, he is able to harness many complex abilities, be it of Sense type or Alter type.

However, considering the variation of Radiant abilities, a comparison can be drawn to the popular Japanese anime and manga franchise One Piece. The characters of the franchise gain a variety of superficial powers from a certain variety of fruits known as the Devil Fruit. The characters train to improve their power to a stage called awoken, where it can be utilized to its fullest potential.


One other factor that often comes up in a discussion regarding the power of Radiant is a broad categorization.

Types of Radiant power

Currently, there are eight known Radiants, and they are part of the Valorant Protocol. The power of the agents is vastly different from each other and embodies an element. Radiant agents and their abilities are:

  • Phoenix - Fire
  • Jett - Wind
  • Omen - Shadow
  • Sage - Ice
  • Reyna - Bloodlust
  • Skye - Nature
  • Yoru - Dimension
  • Astra - Celestial

The abilities of a Radiant in Valorant can also be categorized according to their process. Some abilities such as Phoenix, Yoru, or Astra’s ultimate, affect the user, whereas Sage’s ultimate or the basic abilities of Omen or Reyna affects other players, to resurrect or to steal vision. The final category is abilities such as Sage’s ice orb or Phoenix’s fire orb (Hot Hands), which affect an area on the Valorant map, instead of players.

However, all this is simply speculation and hasn’t been confirmed by Riot Games officials.

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