5 takeaways from AEW in 2021

After their most successful year yet, there was plenty to take away from 2021 for AEW.
After their most successful year yet, there was plenty to take away from 2021 for AEW.

Since its inception, AEW had its most successful year yet in 2021. The company produced spectacular episodes of Dynamite, introduced a new show in Rampage, and provided some of the year's best pay-per-views.

AEW already had an exceptional roster of stars, but their talent has only gotten richer over the past 12 months. The promotion picked up some of the best independent stars while acquiring some under-utilized performers from WWE.

With the year finally coming to an end, it is fascinating to think back at how much All Elite Wrestling has evolved. It wasn't the same company as it was during the beginning of the year.

In this article, let's take a look at the five takeaways from AEW in 2021.

5) The AEW women's division elevated themselves by sheer will

AEW's women's division has faced criticism since the company's inception. From nitpicking about the title size to the amount of television time the ladies got, it was an uphill struggle for the women to get the attention they deserved from the promotion and the fans. In 2021, the roster stepped up and made everyone take notice.

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., became a star in 2020 following a heel turn and entertaining act along with Rebel. This year saw her take things further with a stellar feud with Thunder Rosa producing one of the greatest AEW Dynamite matches of all time in their Lights Out showdown on the St. Patrick's Day Slam special.

Baker used the momentum leading to her biggest victory, beating Hikaru Shida to win the AEW Women's World Championship. Meanwhile, Thunder Rosa was officially signed to the promotion and continues to be among the best in-ring workers in the world. Through their hard work, the women have earned the opportunity for a secondary title as well.

Tony Khan announced a new title for the women's division called the TBS Championship. The tournament to determine the first champion led to more spotlight on the ladies. The past several weeks have seen the Hikaru Shida-Serena Deeb feud heat up, Jade Cargill continuing her undefeated streak, and Ruby Soho regaining her momentum.

Despite continued complaints that women deserve more time and more than one match on the weekly shows, there is no denying that this year has seen the women elevating themselves by sheer will and hard work.

4) Tag team wrestling continued to excel on an even higher level

Upon the inception of AEW, The Young Bucks stated that the company would be presenting the best tag team wrestling in the world.

They have achieved this goal by assembling amazing duos and consistently producing great matches in their tag team division. The company's first two years have seen them excel, and 2021 has once again reached greatness.

The Young Bucks came into the new year as the AEW World Tag Team Champions. Matt and Nick Jackson turned heel and reunited with former Bullet Club members Kenny Omega and the Good Brothers. In either role, they delivered bangers with the Inner Circle, Death Triangle, and SCU.

Their eventual loss against The Lucha Brothers in a Steel Cage Match was one of the greatest matches of the year. Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero Miedo have also been show-stealers themselves. FTR, Jurassic Express, and Proud N Powerful all stood out in a great year of tag team wrestling in AEW.

3) There are four pillars of AEW, but also much more

Despite having main eventers like Kenny Omega, Jon Moxley, and Chris Jericho, All Elite Wrestling have stayed motivated to build their future by focusing on their young stars. This year has seen even more spotlight on MJF, Darby Allin, Jungle Boy, and Sammy Guevara. The Salt of The Earth even coined the phrase, "the four pillars of AEW." Each man has been a part of memorable moments in 2021.

However, these four stars aren't the only ones that AEW has pushed forward. Dante Martin had a few breakout moments, proving to be one of the best high-flyers in the business. Team Taz has three future talents in Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, and the widely popular Hook. The likes of Red Velvet, Kris Statlander, Daniel Garcia, and Lee Moriarty also give the company so much hope for the future.

2) The forbidden door is open in AEW

The end of 2020 saw AEW World Champion Kenny Omega debuting in IMPACT Wrestling and setting his sights on the top prize. The first Dynamite of 2021 ended with IMPACT Tag Team Champions, the Good Brothers arriving in All Elite Wrestling to reunite with their former Bullet Club stablemates, Omega, and The Young Bucks.

A month later, AEW Dynamite's Beach Break special ended with another shocker. The 'forbidden door' between All Elite Wrestling and New Japan Pro Wrestling was finally kicked open. Bullet Club's KENTA shocked the world by showing up at Daily's Place, attacking the IWGP United States Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley.

Fans have always wanted a partnership between AEW and NJPW since the former was introduced. 2021 saw it finally go to fruition. Moxley appeared on NJPW Strong, while Omega and Christian Cage both became IMPACT World Champions this year. Lance Archer also beat Moxley to win the IWGP US Title on an episode of Dynamite.

With all the crossover and how the once forbidden door flung open, this year will be remembered. From the big moves working with IMPACT and NJPW to their association with AAA and NWA, AEW has changed how a mainstream pro wrestling company works.

1) Anything can happen, and anyone can show up in AEW

WWE's Attitude Era helped the company win the Monday Night War and become the biggest promotion in the business. One of the most remarkable traits about this time was how fans felt anything could happen on the shows. Somehow, AEW has been able to replicate this feeling with 2021.

There have been great returns from injuries and absent talent. Trent returned in March to help Best Friends defeat Miro and Kip Sabian in an Arcade Anarchy Match. PAC came back from a five-month-long absence to reunite the Death Triangle stable and confront Eddie Kingston.

Hangman Page was well on his way to his ultimate goal until he stepped away for paternity leave. On the Second Anniversary of AEW Dynamite, he returned to win the Casino Ladder Match and earn the AEW World Championship shot that he always wanted.

It wasn't just the returns that made AEW a must-watch product, but some memorable angles that transpired. MJF revealed that he was conning the Inner Circle to create his own faction with Shawn Spears, Wardlow, Tully Blanchard, and FTR as the Pinnacle. Eddie Kingston turned babyface after saving his frenemy Jon Moxley at Revolution 2021.

While the returns and angles worked, the debuts of various talents gave AEW a feeling that anyone could show up at any moment. Christian Cage arrived at Revolution 2021 after the hype of a Hall of Fame-caliber star signing with the promotion. "The Big Show" Paul Wight and Mark Henry both made the jump from WWE to All Elite Wrestling.

Andrade shockingly asked for his release from WWE in March, which was granted. The former United States Champion debuted on AEW Dynamite two months later alongside Vickie Guerrero. Aleister Black went from vignettes promoting his return to being released in June. On Dynamite's July 7th Road Rager special, Malakai Black made his debut and kicked off a feud with Cody Rhodes.

This was a preview for the summer, where everything went into high gear. Following a seven-year-long absence from wrestling, CM Punk returned and debuted on the First Dance special of Rampage at Chicago's United Center. At All Out 2021, Bryan Danielson and Adam Cole moved from WWE to AEW in one of the greatest endings to a pay-per-view ever.

All Elite Wrestling evolved and went from an excellent crop of talent to one of the most star-studded rosters of all time. A lot of this came down to feeling like anything could happen, and it did. That's why all the surprises and landscape shifting moments were the biggest takeaway from AEW in 2021.

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