AEW Rampage Beach Break Results: Former WWE star offers Darby Allin a contract, Top champions laid out, 2 title matches

Bryan Danielson has been keeping tabs on Jon Moxley
Bryan Danielson has been keeping tabs on Jon Moxley

This week's edition of AEW Rampage saw two title matches on the card, as well as Jon Moxley in action against Anthony Bowens of The Acclaimed. We also had Brock Anderson and Lee Johnson in action as they took on FTR.

The AEW Tag titles were on the line in the main event between Jurassic Express and Private Party. We also had the TBS Championship on the line as Jade Cargill faced Julia Hart.

Read on for full AEW Rampage Results.

AEW Rampage Beach Break Results (28th January 2022): Jon Moxley vs. Anthony Bowens

AEW Rampage kicked off with Jon Moxley vs. Anthony Bowens. Moxley didn't wait for the bell to ring. He sent Max Caster crashing out of the ring before hitting Bowens with a German Suplex.

Jon Moxley followed it up with a series of right hands to Anthony Bowens. Moxley and Bowens started to brawl through the crowd and the latter got a couple of shots in. At ringside, he took control briefly by smashing his opponent's arm against the ring post.

The former AEW World Champion reversed a vertical suplex and hit a release suplex of his own, followed by kicks across the chest. Caster caught Moxley's boot from ringside giving Bowens a chance to hit a neckbreaker.

Anthony Bowens continued to work Jon Moxley's arm during the ad break. He followed it up with a superplex but the former AEW World Champion kicked out at two.

Bowens headed to the middle rope but the move backfired. Moxley almost hit him with a Paradigm Shift and then dumped him over the top rope and into Max Caster. He then wiped out Caster with a tope suicida but this gave Bowens another opening.

He hit Moxley with his patented draping DDT, getting a nearfall. Bowens then hit Jon Moxley with a super kick but the latter immediately replied with a slap across the face and then a Piledriver for a nearfall.

He followed it up to more elbow strikes to Bowens who hit back by planting him in the middle of the ring for a nearfall. The Acclaimed member screamed at Moxley to stay down as he hit him with a bot across the jaw.

Bowens then took the chain from Max Caster but Moxley saw it coming and hit him with a cutter. Caster went to charge at the former AEW World Champion but was clotheslined out of the ring.

Moxley then turned back to Bowens and took him down with a lariat. He followed it up with the Paradigm Shift to pick up the win to kick off AEW Rampage.

Result: Jon Moxley def. Anthony Bowens


After the match, we saw Bryan Danielson watching Jon Moxley's match on AEW Rampage from the back.

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AEW Rampage Beach Break Results (28th January 2022): Andrade El Idolo offers a contract to Darby Allin

Andrade El Idolo and his assistant Jose were in Darby Allin's locker room. Andrade was happy to finally meet "the kid" and offered him a contract, saying that he and Jose were often busy and needed things taken care of.

Allin was not impressed and said that he did not work for Sting. He then chased Andrade away after taking out a baseball bat.

AEW Rampage Beach Break Results (28th January 2022): Brock Anderson and Lee Johnson vs. FTR

Cash Wheeler and Lee Johnson kicked things off. Johnson took Wheeler down with a hurricanrana, forcing him to tag out. Brock Anderson and Dax Harwood tagged in. They wet back and forth and matched up pretty well.

Anderson took Harwood down and Wheeler came in and was also taken down. Lee Johnson came in and hit Cash Wheeler with a dropkick followed by a clothesline that sent Dax Harwood crashing out of the ring. Johnson followed it up with dives to both Wheeler and Harwood out at ringside as we headed to commercial.

FTR controlled the match during the break but we saw him take out Dax Harwood with a neckbreaker. Cash Wheeler tried to prevent the tag but Lee Johnson acrobatically tagged out.

Brock Anderson came in hot dishing out offense to both Wheeler and Harwood. Anderson with a gut-wrench suplex to Wheeler followed by a senton a two-count.

Johnson tagged in and hit Wheeler with a boot to the jaw and Anderson followed up with a DDT. Lee Johnson then hit a Frog Splash from the top rope but Cash Wheeler got his foot on the bottom rope.

We saw Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard square up at ringside where the former took down Blanchard with a chop.

Back in the ring, Dax Harwood came in off the blind tag and FTR hit Lee Johnson with the assisted Piledriver to pick up the win.

Result: FTR def. Brock Anderson and Lee Johnson


AEW Rampage Beach Break Results (January 28th 2022): Jade Cargill (c) vs. Julia Hart (TBS Championship match)

This match came about after Julia Hart accepted the challenge from Jade Cargill earlier this week. Hart had her work cut out for her, coming into the match still nursing the eye injury she suffered at the hands of Malakai Black, with the eyepatch still in place.

Cargill took her opponent down early with a shoulder tackle and followed it up with a spinning backbreaker. She hit an elbow drop but only got a one-count off the ensuing cover.

Jade Cargill followed it up push ups in the middle of the ring and Julia Hart almost took advantage with a roll-up. Hart with a couple of thrust kicks and a handspring elbow but it didn't have much of an effect on Cargill. The latter went for a powerbomb but Hart managed to roll her up.

Jade Cargill did not look amused and took Julia Hart down with her patented pump kick. Then it was all over as Cargill followed it up with the Jaded to pick up the win and retain the title.

Result: Jade Cargill def. Julia Hart


AEW Rampage Beach Break Results (January 28th 2022): Jurassic Express (c) vs. Private Party (AEW World Tag Team Championship match)

Private Party started the match really strong, hitting Jungle Boy with the Gin and Juice early for a nearfall. They were in total control after this but made a mistake heading to the top rope.

They looked for a stereo legdrop and Frog Splash combo but ate the mat after Jungle Boy rolled away. He tagged in Luchasaurus who followed Private Party out to the ringside and took out The Blade.

He then sent Isiah Kassidy crashing into the mat and turned his attention to Marc Quen. Matt Hardy took advantage and caught Luchasaurus in the back of the leg with a steel chair.

Luchasaurus went to make the tag but both Quen and Kassidy grabbed hold of his feet. He wiped them out with a double clothesline before making the tag. Jungle Boy came in off the hot tag and sent both Quen and Kassidy crashing out of the ring. He followed it up with a series of dives, taking out Private Party single-handedly.

Back in the ring, Isiah Kassidy took Jungle Boy down with an enziguiri and headed to the top rope. The latter met him on the top rope but Quen and Luchasaurus weren't far behind.

With Jungle Boy on Luchasaurus' shoulders, Marc Quen went for a crossbody but it was reversed in mid-air. Private Party with the silly string into a tornado DDT to Luchasaurus. Jungle Boy then came in and locked in a Snaretrap but it was broken up by Quen with a shooting star press.

Jurassic Express followed it up with their finisher and pinned Isiah Kassidy.

Result: Jurassic Express def. Private Party


Gunn Club hit the ring after the match as Billy Gunn took out Christian Cage at ringside. Colten Gunn and Austin Gunn then took out Luchasaurus with a double belt shot, laying out both members of Jurassic Express.

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