FIFA 23 Lorenzo Insigne Rulebreakers SBC - How to complete, estimated costs & solution, and more

Insigne's special card has been released as part of an SBC (Image via EA Sports)

FIFA 23 players have another opportunity to get a guaranteed card from the active promo with the Lorenzo Insigne Rulebreakers SBC now live. Some were expecting it to arrive along with the release of Team 2, but EA Sports has given it an early launch. The Italian has also become the first special card from the MLS to be part of an SBC this year.

Player Item SBCs offer great value as fans don't have to rely on their luck to get these cards. The Rulebreakers promo has added a set of amazing footballers as part of Team 1, which are available in the packs. There's no guarantee how much a player will have to spend to get one of these cards.

Instead, players can find out the estimated costs of the Lorenzo Insigne Rulebreakers SBC in FIFA 23. Additionally, the challenge looks quite simple and easy to complete as far as the conditions are concerned. Most importantly, players can observe the card's stats and decide if it's worth their investment.

The Lorenzo Insigne Rulebreakers SBC will be an excellent option for MLS squads in FIFA 23

Every SBC has a certain set of challenges that need to be completed to get the rewards. Player Item SBCs usually have more complex tasks based on how good the cards are. In contrast, the Lorenzo Insigne Rulebreakers SBC seems easy and has only one challenge, so players will need to submit only one squad.


Task 1 - Lorenzo Insigne

  • # of players from Italy: Min 1
  • F Players: Min 1
  • Squad Rating: Min 84
  • # of players in the Squad: 11

Surprisingly, the Lorenzo Insigne Rulebreakers SBC has quite low requirements, considering the available set of rewards. If someone wants to complete it with cards bought from the market, they will have to spend between 35,000-38,000 FUT coins.

Naturally, the ultimate cost will depend on how much fodder is being used by a FIFA 23 player. This refers to cards that aren't useful in the squad and are used to complete different challenges to save resources.

Additionally, the Lorenzo Insigne Rulebreakers SBC will remain live in FIFA 23 for 14 weeks, giving players plenty of time to complete it. Players are advised to take a patient approach and complete it with the use of cards that are not needed. Additionally, fodder prices will gradually reduce as more promos appear in the game.


The Lorenzo Insigne Rulebreakers SBC has excellent value for money due to the card it offers as a reward. The 87-rated LW footballer can be turned into an LM or CF with the help of a position modifier. While the card can't be turned into a lengthy body type, the explosive nature will be a handful.

With 90 Pace, the card will be extremely fast, and the explosive body type will be helpful to get an initial burst. The card will be a wonderful card to dribble with in FIFA 23 with 4* Skill Moves and 86 Dribbling. With 85 Shooting and 4* Weak Foot, it can be easily played as a goalscorer rather than a winger. All these factors make the Lorenzo Insigne Rulebreakers SBC worth it in FIFA 23.

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