5 Best Gym Machine Exercises for Men to Get Bigger Glutes

Bigger glutes are crucial for various activities, including walking, running, and jumping. (Image via Pexels/ Rich Ortiz)
Bigger glutes are important for various activities. (Image via Pexels/Rich Ortiz)

Bigger glutes help in running, walking, sprinting as well as in various climbing activities. The gluteus maximus is an important muscle that helps us run more quickly or cycle farther when it becomes stronger.

It might be difficult to select an exercise machine that offers your booty the most workout, as there are many options available. Making the right choice is important, as strong glutes boost the body's ability to balance, be at ease, and function at its peak level.

This article will help you select the ideal machine for a powerful posterior whether you're a beginner or simply trying to develop stronger glute muscles and bigger glutes.

Best Gym Exercises for Bigger Glutes

Apart from stabilizing the hips, spine and pelvis, the glutes offer cushioning and stability even when the body is not moving. You can sit more comfortably, maintain your balance, and move more effectively with stronger butt muscles.

On that note, here are five best exercises for men to get bigger glutes:

1) Cable Glute Kickback

All three major glute muscles are worked by cable glute kickbacks. This exercise helps develop balance, functional strength, and bigger glutes.



  • Attach the cable pulley to your leg via an ankle cuff attachment.
  • Your body should be approximately parallel to the floor as you hinge at the hips.
  • If necessary, hold on to the cable machine for support.
  • Send your cuffed leg as far back as you can by lifting it.
  • Keep it parallel to the ground and aligned with the upper body. At the peak of the movement, squeeze your glutes, and reset to the starting position.

2) Leg Press

The leg press is one of the best machines for bigger glutes workouts. It enables you to position your glutes and legs in a way that's not possible on cardio equipments, like the treadmill.



  • Keep your feet flat on the platform above you as you ascend into the seat. Place your feet in the middle of the platform, hip-width apart.
  • Release the platform, and support it with your feet.
  • Till your legs are absolutely straight, brace your core, and raise the platform.
  • To complete one rep, go back to the starting position.

3) Stair Stepper

The stair stepper is one of the greatest glute machines, as it provides a genuine motion. The stair stepper is also an cardio exercise.



  • When you step on it with the appropriate settings engaged, the pedals will move your legs in the appropriate directions.
  • Throughout the workout, ensure that your entire foot is flat on the pedal to maintain perfect form.
  • Hold onto the railings loosely. People frequently adopt a vice-like grasp, although all that is required is for your fingertips to rest there.
  • You should take slow, deliberate steps, not rapid ones. You can perform the stair stepper motion more easily by gently stooping forward.

4) Hip Abduction Machine

The hip abduction machine's range of motion aids in developing significant thigh and bigger glutes, and boosting glute strength.



  • Setting a suitable resistance weight, sit in the chair with your back straight and legs fully extended so that they make perfect contact with the pads.
  • Maintain a knee-to-foot alignment.
  • The level of contact between your soles and the machine should remain constant throughout the workout.
  • As far as your range of motion allows, try to push the weight away from your body.

5) Elliptical

The elliptical is a hybrid of running and cycling. Although it isn't the most adaptable glute equipment at the gym, the workout it provides undoubtedly ranks it among the top five machines for building bigger glutes.



  • Ensure that your feet are straight. Maintain a straight back. To prevent twisting your spine, slightly forward-pull your pelvis.
  • The entire exercise should be done with your knees slightly bent.
  • If you can, try to stay moving on the elliptical for a half-hour even if you're varying the slope, intensity, or pace.


There's more to your glutes than just good looks. They are key to performing various activities, including walking, running, and jumping. It can be challenging to choose which equipment targets your glutes most effectively, but the aforementioned ones stand out from the rest.

To get strong, toned glutes that look beautiful and enhance your athletic performance, use the said equipments.

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