5 Yoga Poses for a Happier Brain

While all kinds of exercise leads to the release of endorphins, yoga especially can make you more peaceful, content and happy (Image via Pexels @Andrea Piacquadio)
While all exercises lead to endorphin release, yoga can make you more peaceful, content and happy. (Image via Pexels.Andrea Piacquadio)

Yoga is one of the best ways to relieve muscle tension, calm down and feel relaxed, but where does all that lead to? The ultimate goal of yoga is to make you feel good about yourself and that, of course, leads to a state of contentment and subsequently, happiness.

The goal is to make happiness the neutral point - the starting point every day. Choosing happiness from the moment you wake up, rather than feeling obligated to achieve it. This change in mindset is what yoga will help you achieve.

In this article, we will look at some yoga poses that can help you achieve a state of contentment and happiness. Many asanas have a role to play in this, but here we will look at a few specific asanas.

If you're interested in more yoga poses, check out our articles on gentle yoga poses for recovery and relaxation, yoga poses for a relaxing evening practice, and yoga poses for deeper relaxation.

Yoga Poses for a Happier Brain

Check out the following five yoga poses for a happier brain:

1) Uttanasana

This yoga pose stretches the muscles along the entire posterior It invigorates the nervous system by improving blood circulation and also increases blood flow to the brain. This asana can rejuvenate you from the inside out, relieving physical and mental tension.


  • Begin by standing in tadasana and distributing your weight evenly between both feet.
  • Breathe in, and raise your arms overhead.
  • Bend forward with a flat back and down towards your feet while exhaling.
  • Maintain the posture for 20-30 seconds while breathing deeply.
  • Keep your spine and legs straight by resting your hands on the floor, beside your feet,
  • Move your chest towards your knees, and lift your hips and tailbone higher on an out breath.
  • Allow your head to relax, and gently move towards your feet. Continue to take deep breaths.
  • Breathe in, and slowly raise your arms forward and up to a standing position.
  • Bring your arms to your sides as you breathe out.

2) Adho Mukha Svanasana

This yoga pose helps to energize and rejuvenate you. It releases muscle tension from the calves and hamstrings, two very wound-up muscles for many. It increases blood flow to the brain and helps calm the mind, relieving mental fatigue and headache.


  • Get down on all fours. Form a table with your back as the table top and your hands and feet as the table legs.
  • Lifting the hips up, straighten the knees and elbows, and form an inverted 'V' with your body as you exhale.
  • With the hands shoulder width apart and feet parallel and hip width apart, point your toes straight ahead.
  • Put your hands on the ground. Spread your shoulders apart. To lengthen the neck, touch the ears to the inner arms.
  • While in the downward dog position, take long, deep breaths. Take a look at your navel.
  • Exhale. Return to the table yoga pose by bending the knees. Relax.

3) Baddhakonasana

This pose is an excellent hip and groin opener. Babies often sit in this position, but adults lose the habit because of prolonged seating in chairs. This position can help you stretch your inner thighs and relieve muscle tension, making you feel good.


  • Begin in the staff pose (dandasana) with your legs straight out in front.
  • Bend your knees, and bring your feet's soles together, allowing your knees to fall out to either side.
  • Bring your feet as close to your body as possible. If you experience knee pain, take a step back.
  • Firmly press the outer edges of your feet together. The feet might start to open like a book. You can counter that with your hands or by locking your big toes in a yogi toe lock.
  • Sit tall and long, with your shoulder blades on your back and shoulders moving away from the ears.

4) Happy Baby Pose

This pose is named the happy baby pose for a reason. It's gentle and soothing and the perfect pose to relax in after a long day of work. It has a calming effect on the brain and relieves the hamstrings. It's best performed before going to sleep.


  • Lie on the floor or a yoga mat on your back.
  • While keeping your head flat on the mat, flex your knees at 90 degrees towards your chest. Turn your feet towards the ceiling and upwards.
  • Grab the inside or outside of your feet by extending your arms forward. Spread apart your knees, and draw them closer to your armpits.
  • Rock side to side while flexing your heels into your hands (like a happy baby). Hold the position while inhaling and exhaling deeply for a few breaths.

5) Child's Pose

Also called the balasana, it's the most important resting posture in yoga and is a great way to gently stretch different parts of the body. It's a great ending pose, as it allows you to root yourself into the ground, making you feel calm and relaxed.


  • Place your toes together and knees hip-width apart on the floor.
  • Place your palms on the tops of your thighs.
  • Lower your torso between your knees as you exhale.
  • Extend your arms along your torso, with your palms facing down.
  • Relax your shoulders, and look down at the ground. Hold the pose for as long as necessary.


Finding a way to stay happy may appear to be a difficult task, but yoga can help you achieve happiness. It's not only beneficial to your physical health but also provides immense mental peace. Yoga can help restore mindfulness and eliminate negative thoughts.

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